Oblsud found a legitimate punishment appointed by the participant of the picket against the rise in price


Penza, February 17 - PenzaNews. The Penza Regional Court left without a change to the judge of the judge of the Leninsky District Court of Penza, in accordance with which a student of the university, who took part in a picket against increasing the passage for the passage, was punished in the form of 20 hours of mandatory work for committing an administrative offense, provided for in Part 5 of Art. 20.2 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation "Violation of the established procedure for organizing or holding a meeting, rally, demonstration, procession or picketing". About this, "PenzaNews" reported by the press secretary of the Volwood Natalia Yashin.

Oblsud found a legitimate punishment appointed by the participant of the picket against the rise in price 15138_1

The Penza Regional Court left without a change to the judge of the judge of the Leninsky District Court of Penza, in accordance with which a student of the university, who took part in a picket against increasing the passage for the passage, was punished in the form of 20 hours of mandatory work for committing an administrative offense, provided for in Part 5 of Art. 20.2 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation "Violation of the established procedure for organizing or holding a meeting, rally, demonstration, procession or picketing". About this, "PenzaNews" reported by the press secretary of the Volwood Natalia Yashin.

"The court found that on November 5, 2020 from 15.30 to 16.30 at the address: Penza, Marshal Zhukov Street, 4 - before entering the city administration - a student of one of the universities took part in public picketing. Expressing discontent with increasing fare in public transport, he put forward a poster with the inscription: "Andrei, Vesuy for 10 rubles." Ten people participated in the event, "said the agency's interlocutor.

She added that the picket was carried out without coordination with the mayoria during the period of the mode of increased readiness introduced due to the threat of spreading with a new coronavirus infection.

"At the court hearing, the student did not recognize the guilt in the administrative offense and explained that he carried out single picketing, which does not require agreement with local governments, showed a poster only after the previous man turned his own - all together they did not show posters," - Natalia Yashin noted.

According to her, the court considered these arguments untenable because they are refuted by the evidence submitted.

"It follows from the case materials that on November 5, 2020, an announcement was posted on the Internet containing a call for participation in the mass public action - a" picket queue ". A young man arriving at the address specified in the declaration to the appointed time, demonstrated a poster brought with him. He was among the other nine participants in the mass event. The link to the sequence of demonstration of posters cannot indicate single actions of the gathered, since the text meaning of the posters of all participants in the action had a single semantic load, "the press secretary explained.

Natalia Yashina reported that, without agreed with the decision of the court of first instance, the young man filed a complaint that was left without satisfaction.

She drew attention to the fact that it was also recognized by a legitimate similar punishment, appointed another participant in the picket.

"Another year-old-year-old-year-old brought to administrative responsibility, re-taking part in mass actions, the court appointed a sentence in the form of 160 hours of mandatory work," the agency's interlocutor added.

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