American experts recommended Bidenu strategy for Belarus

American experts recommended Bidenu strategy for Belarus 15134_1
American experts recommended Bidenu strategy for Belarus

The Atlantic Council presented a report with the recommendations of the US President Joseph Bidenu on the strategy in relations with Belarus. This became known on January 27 after publishing the text of the document. American analysts called the amount that the State Department should spend on support to the Belarusian opposition.

President Joseph Biden has a "historical opportunity to unite Europe and turn the dictatorship by creating an international coalition in support of democracy." This is stated in the report of the Atlantic Council "Biden and Belarus: a strategy for the new administration," which was published on the organization's website on Wednesday.

According to the experts of the American Analytic Center, the Administration of the 46th US President, it is necessary to "promote the" growth of democratic movement "in Belarus, strengthen the positions of the ex-candidate for the President of the Republic of Svetlana Tikhanovskaya and weaken the support of the current president of Alexander Lukashenko.

Experts believe that Bidenu needs to be held with Tikhanovsky in the first 100 days of his presidency. He was also recommended to appoint a high-ranking official to coordinate with the EU, Great Britain and Canada joint action on sanctions, as well as sign a decree on sanctions against "hundreds of Belarusian officials who violate human rights so that it serves as a deterrent to the further escalation of repression."

According to American experts, the United States should be called Lukashenko "former president of Belarus." At the same time, the US Ambassador to Belarus Julie Fisher should take his post in Minsk, but not to hand his credentials to the Belarusian leader. Also, according to them, Washington should impose sanctions against companies that are engaged in private finances of Lukashenko.

"The United States should threaten the sanctions to Russian companies and businessmen if they seize Belarusian companies or support Lukashenko regime financially or politically. The United States should also introduce sanctions against Russian media and journalists involved in propaganda campaigns against protest traffic in Belarus, "the report says.

Experts also gave recommendations to the US Department Department and advised him to spend at least $ 200 million annually to support the "civil society" of Belarus and the media. At the same time, the Secretary of State should appoint a person who will control all the help provided by Belarus and quarterly report on it to the Congress. In addition, the United States is invited to use its influence in international organizations, such as the OSCE and the UN, for their participation in the resolution of the Belarusian crisis.

Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry emphasized that Russia would not interfere in the internal affairs of Belarus, since, unlike Washington, respects the right of residents of Belarus independently understand what is happening in their country. "The Americans should not make warnings to anyone, but to take care to give Belarusians to get out of this situation as they consider it necessary," said RIA Novosti, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov back in September.

In addition, Moscow's concern by external intervention in the affairs of Belarus, which is accompanied by the "financial feed, information support, political support", said Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Read more about the pressure of the West to Belarus in the material "Eurasia.Expert".

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