List chat newspapers Balakov. Gifts for warriors and refugees

List chat newspapers Balakov. Gifts for warriors and refugees 15125_1

105 years ago

Gifts Worships

Very generously, our city responded to gifts for the army. In a short time, over 15 thousand rubles were collected, and the other day two of the Commissioners, I.V. Kobzar and A.A. Kuznetsov, go to Moscow, so that there is personally for this money to purchase what you need, and then personally deliver to the army and give gifts there. The people of all layers of society were responding equally sympathetic to this case: quite large sums gave rich people, but made their contribution and poor. So, for example, workers from all local mechanical plants gave a well-known part of their day earnings, and then, on December 6, a circulating gathering on all churches was made, which produced in general more than 100 r. The troupe of artists with our lovers here, arranged a performance, collecting from which, reached 400 r., I also went to gifts.

Gifts for refugees

On the 9th number of the meeting of the local Tatianinsky committee, by the way, it was decided to make gifts for the holiday living here refugees from among the most needy. And these gifts should consist of a material for linen, which the refugees themselves will be saved. Such gifts, right, will be particularly pleasant, because many are strongly worn out and do not have the opportunity to wear themselves to the holiday. Children, moreover, will be distributed delicacies. But this is already in private. The committee also decided to supply patients with refugees for their recovery.

Money for "tridents"

The guardianship on folk sobriety only received the news that the stateless allowance for him to the content of his institutions in the expired year was finally appointed in the amount of 1400 p. And, of course, it sighed freely, but I did not know positively what to do, and did not even have money for the extract of periodicals for the reading room. Now it is possible not only to write newspapers, but also a little awake with the debts left after the restructuring of the people's house.

Saratov Listka, December 17, 1915

100 years ago

Without control

The local council of the Army is opened in the village of Vychchin for the army in the village of Dwakovka, the sheepskin plant. The head was appointed, the instructions were given, and, as if, "a hat". But in fact it turned out that the plant worked on paper and gave benefit not only to the republic, but also to others. December 11, when checking the works of the Ovchinsky plant by the Uzdankom. Demidkin, it turned out that the head of the factory. Krapivin knew his business "excellent", and the governing body (Sovvarhoz) did not try to delve into this case. Goods and materials were released without any documents. When checking books found that the materials in the book were entered without any reason. Different abuses were found taking into account the goods. It follows the collegium of the counselorhoz to leave the cabinet work and more often to look into the affairs of production departments.

Neous skin

The county is given an explosion of the skin. Meanwhile, the mass of the skins of fallen animals disappears. The power is obviously nothing to use fallen animals. Peasants cannot shoot animal skins, as experts appoint incredible amounts for this work. Recycled (so in the text - Yu.K.), the Department of Sovnarchy should be paid to this serious attention.

Red Nabat, December 19, 1920

90 years ago


Ship repair plant included in the All-Union Competition. This obliges all the workers and administrative and technical staff to mobilize their strength to the best contest. It was a decision to attach to the headquarters of the engineering and technical workers to assist the headquarters. Among such attached turned out to be the technician Blyaev bay. Having learned about it, Borlayev was indignant and ran in the sharpness of an angry message.

"They married me without me, I cut the woods in the woods," Blyaev's statement starts his statement.

He is outraged that he did not ask his consent.

"I don't have the ability to be the initiator at least in the children's game," writes Boryaev further, "it is organically irrevocable to communicate with unauthorized people ... I consider my work in production much more useful than social work. I create a real, and not deal with conversations (!)

- I will work at the production of not 7, and 12 hours, - Boryaev's "loving loneliness" exclaims, "but ... not a minute in public work. Please leave me.

So, the stranger is separated from social work, it is diverted, as the damn from Ladan, hides in the shell of a personal me, without recognizing the debt and not wanting to give a particle of his strength and knowledge to a social cause. Moreover, he rizuats social work, calling her empty chatter, he consciously does not want to have any communication with the workers.

The engineering and technical section qualified Blyaev's behavior as an ideologically alien man and eliminated him from his ranks. In response to this shooting, engineers and technicians have pledged to strain their energy to the completion of the Primpinplan. The conference of the drummers decided to exclude Borlayev from members of the Union and remove from work.

Five-year plan, December 19, 1930

70 years ago

Increased power

The power station team assumed the obligation to the day of the election (we are talking about the elections to the city council of workers' deputies, which took place on December 17 - Yu.K.) to increase the capacity of the power plant, which performed with honor. By December 15, an additional engine was installed in 150 hp, high-voltage power grid was carried out and three transformer substations were mounted.

Work is currently being carried out on the reconstruction of light lines. Good results in the work performed, Machinists of Artyomov V.A., Koromyslov A.M., Elektromontor Arkupov P.P. and etc.

Socialistic work, December 22, 1950

45 years ago

Three times golden

Palace of culture builders. A brightly lit scene, where the unusual Presidium is located today: athletes, representatives of public organizations, journalists. The scene is decorated with a large emblem of the Turbine sports club and the inscription "Champion 1973, 1974, 1975". And when the riding announces an open evening, dedicated to the commemoration of the "Turbine" team, for the third time she had achieved a high championship rank on speedway, the hall is exploded by applause. The fans of this courageous sport gathered here welcome their favorite athletes.

The most solemn moment has come. Head of SaratovGesstroy A.I. Maksakov and senior coach of the USSR team, member of the Presidium of the Federation of Motor Sports of the USSR V.V. Absorptions are awarded riders big and small gold medals of the Champions of the USSR. They receive three-time champion of the USSR, the silver medalist of Europe, the Master of Sports of International Class Vladimir Gordeyev, Champion VI Olympics of the Peoples of the USSR, Master of Sports of International Class Valery Gordeev, Bronze Verphor of the RSFSR, Member of International Sports Master Viktor Kalmykov, Candidates for Sports Master Viktor Kubanov, Alexander Miklashevsky, Sergey Dyuzhev, Alexander Uhkhov, Sergey Denisov. Diplomas of the first degree gets the mechanic of the team Viktor Gorbatenko and the Mentor "Turbines", Honored Coach of the RSFSR Evgeny Iosifovich Leoshkin

Vladimir and Valery Gordeevov V.V. Absorptions were presented by the USSR silver medals for second place in the World Command Championships on behalf of the Motorsport Federation.

A. Lushnikov

Lights of communism, December 17, 1975

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