Railing Coronavirus called not to hurry with vaccination

Railing Coronavirus called not to hurry with vaccination 15105_1

Today, the massive vaccination against coronavirus began in the country. It is planned that 60% of Russians will be vaccinated for the year, and a collective immunity will be formed by autumn. Until then, even the masks who have been used. In the government today, they called for citizens over 55 years old to sign up for vaccination, first of all, and those who have already had overcome, not hurry with vaccination.

In Moscow, the venue of vaccination was equipped with the main universal store - GUM. It is about 70 steps from the Kremlin Wall. Where there used to be a queue for expensive boutiques, now recorded on a free injection.

Anastasia Rankov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow: "It is very convenient. Because Muscovites, having the opportunity to go shopping, at the same time, without losing time, can make themselves vaccination. To date, we have one point. In the near future, we will open another item in the territory of GUM. "

To talk about the so-called "population immunite", it is necessary to instill 60% of the population of the country. It is about 69 million people. Excluding passing. Which are now wondering: And if there are antibodies? Or is there a little - is it necessary to record on vaccination?

Tatiana Golikova: "According to scientific research, despite the fact that after the transferred disease of the antibody in the body of the passing person, they can gradually decrease, this does not mean that cellular immunity or cellular memory is due. Repeated people are extremely rare, these are isolated cases. Therefore, those who have suffered a new coronavirus infection should not be hurried with vaccination. "

But how long is immunity, if antibodies left - this is the question that is now being studied. Without questions, a mask should be wearing. Even if vaccinated. Even if they got sick.

Mikhail Murashko, Minister of Health: "Having immunity a person may after contact with a sick briefly becoming a carrier of infection and can infect others. Therefore, wearing masks today is mandatory. "

Railing Coronavirus called not to hurry with vaccination 15105_2
The head of the Ministry of Health called on people over 55 years old to hurt from in the forefront

At the end of February, the second domestic vaccine - "Epivakkoron" will go to the help of "satellite V". By the beginning of April - the third, from the Chumakov Institute. In order not to rotate the clinic phones, it will be possible to sign up for vaccination through the website of the State Service. This option is tested from today. In the same place, in the personal account, the certificate of vaccination will appear.

And in some regions, he was seriously thinking about the introduction of "antique passports". In Bashkiria, at a government meeting, they discussed which preferences would receive their owners.

Radii Habirov, head of Bashkortostan: "If our residents of 65+ are in self-insulation mode, and they have already sinks, or they have antibodies, or they are vaccinated, then why do we keep them at home? Why do we torment them, in some happy hours they go shopping, and so on. It's just one example, for which we do it. "

On the other hand, these passports should not infringe the rights of those who did not sore and have not vaccinated. Still, if the first is the case of the case, the second is a voluntary business.

Railing Coronavirus called not to hurry with vaccination 15105_3
Grafting for collective immunity: vaccine from now available to each

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