10 Unusual ways to find out who will become your husband!


People tend to believe in magic, so Christmas divisions are so popular. It is believed that these days the highest strength descend to Earth, so many unmarried girls begin to guess for the narrowed.

We offer you some popular fortunes for Christmas, and you choose what suits you.

Fortune telling before christmas on the shirt

Divination by book

This is not a banal fortune telling when you need to make a page number and line, it is much more interesting.

For fortune telling you need a book, it is desirable to a novel about love.

  • Open the book on the same page equal to the number of your birthday and write down the letter from which the page begins;
  • Similarly, open the page equal to the month of your birth, and also write down the first letter of the page;
  • Now open the page equal to the number of the birthday of your father and write down the first letter.

You got three letters - these are initials of your future spouse!

10 Unusual ways to find out who will become your husband! 15099_1

Divination on paper
  • Take a blank sheet and burst it into small pieces;
  • On each leaflet, write all the men's names, which remember, there must be a lot of them;
  • Before bedtime, take the pieces carefully and put under the pillow;
  • In the morning, when you wake up, the first thing to shove the hand under the pillow and pull out the first leaflet hitting - it will be the name of your narrowed.
Divination on paper and water

You need a wide capacity with water, for example, a pelvis, candle grid, shell from walnut and papers with names.

  • Small papers with names are glued with plasticine to capacitance from inside;
  • Small candle grinding place in half a walnut shell;
  • Lower the candle in the shell into the water and release;
  • The candle should start sailing and stop near one of the paper - on it and there will be the name of your future husband.

See also: "What to give close and native to Christmas".

10 Unusual ways to find out who will become your husband! 15099_2

Divination in a frying pan

Very interesting divination, which is to see your groom your mom!

  • You need to slowly, so that mom does not recognize, put the pan to her under the bed;
  • Before bedtime, to say to myself: "Daughty-rude, come to the mother-in-law, there are pancakes."

If my mother dreamed that she feeds a pancakes of some guy, he will be your spouse.

Fortune telling

You will need only a thick candle and a cup with water.

  • Light a candle and let it melt wax a little;
  • Tilt it and pour the molten wax into the water cup;
  • The wax must form 1 or 2 letters of your narrowed.
Fortune telling on Luke
  • Take several bulbs and sign them with male names;
  • Put in the water.

That bulb, which will germinate the first and will mean the name of the narrowed.

Fortune telling on a needle with thread

Prepare small paper with male names again, and you will also need a needle with silk thread or a gold ring.

  • Grind thread into a ring or needle;
  • Keep the needle or ring over papers with names and watch.

Over what the name will begin to rock the needle or thread, so it will call for your narrowed.

10 Unusual ways to find out who will become your husband! 15099_3

Fortune telling on the key with the key

For this divination you will again need a wide capacity with water, better pelvis, and a lock with a key.

Take the open lock and keep it above the water. Then saying: "Dailed, come, drinking ask," close the lock.

That night you must dream your narrowed.

Fortune telling on flaps

Very interesting fortune telling, which will help you draw up the image of your future spouse!

You will need patchworks of different colors: white, black and brown.

Fold all the patchworks in the box, then ask a mentally question, for example, "What is the eye color of my narrowed?", And not looking, pull out one flap.

If it is white - blue or gray, brown - green, black - brown.

In the same way, you can learn the hair color.

Fortune telling on the mirror on the narrowed

A terrible fortune telling, in which the most important thing that gadgets was one at midnight in the dark.

You will need two large mirrors and candles.

  • Install the mirrors against each other and arrange the candles between them so that the reflections will appear in the reflection.
  • Focus in full silence and peer into the corridor;
  • After some time, the face of the narrowed should appear, at this moment you need to say words: "Chur of place!";
  • At this point, the person should disappear.

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