7 homemade Wi-Fi antennas for kilometers

7 homemade Wi-Fi antennas for kilometers 15083_1

To improve the reception of the Wi-Fi signal, you can finalize the existing antenna, but if you need to transmit a signal to a significant distance, then without a powerful antenna can not do. Below is 7 options for both the manufacture of new antennas and the modernization of existing ones. Let's start with the easiest solutions and finish the most difficult.

Pretty refinement of the native antenna Wi-Fi router or adapter

7 homemade Wi-Fi antennas for kilometers 15083_2

If you want to improve Wi-Fi signal within the reach of the apartment, then there is nothing easier. Even the native antenna does not have to disassemble, how to do sootype here - https://sdelaysam-svoimirukami.ru/4150-kak-prosto-usilit-signal-wi-fi.html

How to Improve WiFi Router Antenna

7 homemade Wi-Fi antennas for kilometers 15083_3

The native router antennas, and Wai Fi adapters represent a small segment of the wire equal to 1/4 or 1/8 wavelength. Reception with them Nikudine. How to modify the standard antenna, see here - https://sdelaysam-svoimirukami.ru/4055-kak-uluchshit-antennu-wifi-routera.html

How to make a directed Wi-Fi antenna

7 homemade Wi-Fi antennas for kilometers 15083_4

Make the Wi-Fi yourself an antenna is not difficult. Here is an option of a miniature biquette antenna, with which you can keep the connection to 1 kilometer - https://sdelaysam-svoimirukami.ru/4230-kak-sdelat-napravlennuyu-wi-fi-antennu.html

Simple omnidirectional Antenna 3G 4G Wi-Fi

7 homemade Wi-Fi antennas for kilometers 15083_5

Upgraded, omnidirectional, Biquetratric antenna, which is used instead of basic, gives good results in all directions - https://sdelaysam-svoimirukami.ru/3856-prostaya-vsenapravlennaya-antenna-3g-4g-wi-fi.html

Powerful Wi-Fi Antenna

7 homemade Wi-Fi antennas for kilometers 15083_6

This is the most popular option in the simplicity / range ratio. It is made from cans, so that there will be no problems with the material - https://sdelaysam-svoimirukami.ru/4225-moschnaya-wi-fi-pushka.html

Powerful homemade Wi-Fi antenna for receiving remote open networks

7 homemade Wi-Fi antennas for kilometers 15083_7

An extended antenna, has a narrow orientation, and is able to catch a signal for 10 kilometers - https://sdelaysam-svoimirukami.ru/5578-moschnaja-samodelnaja-wi-fi-antenna-dlja-priema-signala-dealennyh-otkrytyh-setej .html

Powerful homemade Wi-Fi antenna

7 homemade Wi-Fi antennas for kilometers 15083_8

Flat, block antenna on foil textolite about prototypes of the USSR antennas hears separate attention - https://sdelaysam-svoimirukami.ru/4208-moschnaya-samodelnaya-wi-fi-antenna.html

Long-range antennas with aliexpress who does not want to make their own

If you do not want to bother with the building antenna, you can just just buy a powerful, long-range antenna for Aliexpress - http://alii.pub/5kx95r

7 homemade Wi-Fi antennas for kilometers 15083_9

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