Asked if investment in the country and how banks survived "coronacrizis"

Asked if investment in the country and how banks survived
Asked if investment in the country and how banks survived
Asked if investment in the country and how banks survived
Asked if investment in the country and how banks survived

Over the past year, the investment level decreased, and the banks were experiencing not the best times - almost complete collapse of lending and the rapid loss of the contributions of individuals who endured money from the bank. Find out what has changed now.

On March 24, 2021, a new office of BELVEB was opened in the "Great Stone" in the framework of Belarusian-Chinese cooperation. Among the features - office staff are carriers of Chinese, there are also distant service services.

Although the "coronacrizis" and the political crisis followed by him affected the banking system of Belarus not the best, Chairman of the Board of Bank Belveb Vasily Matyushevsky believes that the bank coped with the tests "worthy." But I had to ask for help.

- Last year was a great test for the banking system. We are glad that they have not let customers, the owner of the bank ("group VEB" from Russia. - Note. Onliner) and the regulator. The banking system has passed quite adequately through all the tests of 2020, I will not repeat what they are concluded. We never encountered this in principle in sovereign history, "says Vasily Matyushevsky. - In connection with the outflow of funds from the accounts of individuals and legal entities, we were forced to refer to the parent bank for help, which was provided in a timely manner. Including we treated for help to the regulator, because the emission of Belarusian rubles is the exclusive right of the National Bank. Sincerely glad to report that this assistance was returned to the regulator in early December last year, and the Mother Bank - at the end of December.

He also clarified that in the near future the owner of the bank decides whether he needs "Capacity and expanding a borrowing limit" in case of extraordinary situations. He told the Chairman of the Board and that it was optimistic for investment in the country. Recall, over the past year (January 2020, by January 2021), investments in Belarus decreased by 5.3%.

- I am optimist in life. We see that the Belarusian-Chinese Park is one of these potential serious points of growth, "he says. - A separate topic - digitalization of the economy of the country and banking business. Despite the difficult 2020, work in PVT continues. Although, from our point of view, there are questions that should be resolved in the near future so that this growth point remains so. There are prospects for development in traditional industries. At least January-February inspires certain optimism. The experience of Belarus is growing, there is some restoration, well, and then everything will depend on the economic authorities and the government of the National Bank.

The head of the Ecosystem Development Development Project "Bank Belveb", as well as the former Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Belarus in China, Kirill Oremy says that a favorable investment climate in Belarus can be expected in the case of a decline of pandemic and certainty in the economy. The latter is not yet observed.

- So far, no certainty in the economy, long-term plans are difficult to do. In which direction the country will develop [it is not yet clear], "says ore. - If you see the experience of China, they make a "five-year plan" - five-year plans. Companies understand which industry priority and how the policies of the authorities are developing. If such a program is, the investor understands where to invest, if there is no such program or it does not guarantee its implementation, then this uncertainty restrains the investment.

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