Under Molodechno Siloviki detained a group of skiers with BCB flags

Under Molodechno Siloviki detained a group of skiers with BCB flags 15078_1
Under Molodechno Siloviki detained a group of skiers with BCB flags 15078_2

Shares of solidarity continue to be held throughout the country. One of the mass ski skiing passed today in white-red colors interrupted the security forces. The following information appeared in the telegram channel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: "In the Molothechnic ROVD received a message from the Branch of the RUE" Minskenergo "that a crowd of people gathered next to the substation in the village of Village. The applicants did not exclude the likelihood of damage to unauthorized items of high-voltage LPP. "

"The police arrived at the scene found that there was a group of about 20 people under the guise of skiing and arranged an unauthorized rally using the BC-symbolism. Active participants of the event, 11 women and 8 men are detained and delivered to the proceedings in the district department. During the personal inspection, the skiers found the corresponding flags and stretch marks, a canister cartoon, a smoke checker, white-red and white umbrellas, a different protest attribute.

Two men during the arrest had disobedience to the legitimate requirements of law enforcement officers, prevented their work. One of the Buyanov was in a state of alcohol intoxication (a medical examination showed in pairs of exhaled air of 1.56 ppm). All participants in the illegal action are the inhabitants of Molodechno. Some have already been seen on unauthorized events. Currently, an administrative process is underway against the detainees, "clarified in the department.

According to the information deprived of the accreditation of the Human Rights Center "Spring", the mass detention occurred in Soligorsk. In the park of the four elements, the security forces stopped at least eight people who came to Sunday walk. At the same time, it is reported that the Soligarcan did not have any protest symbolism, they did not shout out slogans and did not even have time to gather. Another source is a telegram-channel "The strike of OJSC" Belaruscali "- reports about 19 detainees:" Among them, part of the members of the age panel of Belaruscalia OJSC.

However, not all shares of solidarity today were interrupted by the security forces. In the rastock "congratulated the beloved Happy Valentine's Day."

The most sporty residents of Angarskaya began a day from a jogging, thus expressing their love for the country.

Kuntsevschyna also did not remain aside.

Residents of Zhodino said about her love.

The song about love was performed by persistent Belarusians of St. Petersburg.

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