Can the render from the designer 100% embody? Minsk resident show how the one-room apartment has been equipped

Can the render from the designer 100% embody? Minsk resident show how the one-room apartment has been equipped 15065_1
Can the render from the designer 100% embody? Minsk resident show how the one-room apartment has been equipped 15065_2
Can the render from the designer 100% embody? Minsk resident show how the one-room apartment has been equipped 15065_3
Can the render from the designer 100% embody? Minsk resident show how the one-room apartment has been equipped 15065_4
Can the render from the designer 100% embody? Minsk resident show how the one-room apartment has been equipped 15065_5
Can the render from the designer 100% embody? Minsk resident show how the one-room apartment has been equipped 15065_6
Can the render from the designer 100% embody? Minsk resident show how the one-room apartment has been equipped 15065_7
Can the render from the designer 100% embody? Minsk resident show how the one-room apartment has been equipped 15065_8
Can the render from the designer 100% embody? Minsk resident show how the one-room apartment has been equipped 15065_9
Can the render from the designer 100% embody? Minsk resident show how the one-room apartment has been equipped 15065_10
Can the render from the designer 100% embody? Minsk resident show how the one-room apartment has been equipped 15065_11
Can the render from the designer 100% embody? Minsk resident show how the one-room apartment has been equipped 15065_12
Can the render from the designer 100% embody? Minsk resident show how the one-room apartment has been equipped 15065_13
Can the render from the designer 100% embody? Minsk resident show how the one-room apartment has been equipped 15065_14

Studio apartment - start for many people. Yes, not the limit of dreams (meters always want more), but you can already live and enjoy independence, planning, like, podnapive money, you will move back to the apartment for a good apartment. Perhaps it is because of the "intermediate" of the option, most prefers not to invest solid amounts in repairs of odnushki. And yet there are those who want to enjoy every moment and always be in comfortable conditions. It is such people who know how to transform the space around themselves and squeeze the maximum even from the apparent modest squares.

Thirdness to turn into eurodow

More than half a century ago, when our grandparents and parents received long-awaited apartments in Khrushchev, 50 square meters were real wealth. On this area, the designers of the era of the fight against excesses managed to place two rooms (one of which was often passing), a kitchen, a tiny combined bathroom and a corridor. Also did not take a few meters to the round number. Now the standards are completely different, and therefore five dozen "squares" are just odds with a separate kitchen and a spacious main room. But, as practice shows, this area can be "replay" and make an excellent space for one or two people. A bright example is a stylish apartment in a new building in Brilevich.

"The house was delivered in 2017," Evgeny and Tatiana tell. "It was not possible to fully in the status of real estate investors: we were not able to fully: they joined the construction at the very end, and then she accidentally - some of the future tenants refused their meters and took the money from the developer. We jumped into the last car, and at the price of the cattle, the developer did not raise the bet. The choice of layouts, a pattern, floor was not, but we judged that it would be a real crime to refuse such a profitable option.

Having received the keys to the apartment, the couple began to think how to "digest" layout for themselves. Fortunately, a friend-designer came to the rescue, which suggested several options for converting standard odnushki.

- Immediately decided that there would make a bedroom on the kitchen, as the Method allows, and a separate room has a separate room. Plus, they agreed that it was necessary to increase the bathroom slightly, he recalls Tatiana. "Yes, it was clear that there was a lot of strength and time to harmonize alterations in the Board and other government agencies, but since we planned to live here, went" right "by. By the way, wandering on instances was not so terrible: at least for the design of all papers and phased alignment, four months left, and in addition, a separate thick folder appeared with documents, it was worth it.

As a render tolerate

Before starting repair, the owners together with the designer Andrei Stepanov thought out every corner - from the options for lighting and shades of paint to cabinet furniture. Not forgotten about the storage locations that are needed in any apartment, and in one-room - especially. So, in addition to high cabinets in the hallway and the room, additional suspended cabinets appeared on the wall, which withstand weight up to 250 kg. Inspired by the pictures, the couple decided that they would be strictly followed and would try to realize absolutely all the ideas.

Transforming an apartment, Minsk residents decided not to make extra partitions and not to create rooms in a flat place, and therefore an entrance hall with an emphasis door of deep green color smoothly flows into the living room. One of the chips of the room is the ceiling: not tensioning (as the easiest option), not plaster, and real plaster art.

- The ceiling plates were all awry, therefore it was simply stuck to the seams and, for example, to cover the lacquer was clearly not enough. Thought what to do, and here Andrei remembered that he has workers who create a relief ceiling of plaster. I liked this option. These guys came, hammered holes, put the beacons, took the board, in which certain "notches" pre-cut out, and it stretched out the entire ceiling. Two days left for work, some detail-finishes took another day. And four days all this mass sued. It cost such a ceiling of dollars in 320. By the way, he was painted by the usual white "snowball," the details of Eugene recalls.

In the bedroom, the ceiling was made more familiar - from the drywall, painting it into the unusual dark color to most.

- Many thanks to our designer, who controlled all the stages, went shopping and personally helped look for materials. Thanks to him, we did not have any headache. And the result turned out almost one in one as the render approved by us. From change I can noted except that three minor: we decided to make the wall near the bedroom and instead of white painted in graphite color; The transparent door to the bedroom was not so "frank"; Wooden rails on the wall replaced on the finished parquet board.

I consider special good luck the fact that, thanks to the patience and the persistence of the designer, we managed to choose tile tiles to the upper kitchen cabinets. The parquet board, which you see on the floor and on the wall in the bedroom, the same shade - traveled six stores to find what you need, is divided by pleasant experiences of Tatyana.

In a 50-meter apartment, a whole kilometer of an electrical cable is laid. Cross switches, various lighting schemes. The owners say that sometimes forget that and for what. The main thing that neither click, the light will be enough.

The loggia pair insulated and turned into a spacious working office. But life made its own adjustments, and the Minsk citizen's little daughter turned the loggia to the game.

The eye also rushes a TV that keeps in its place as if with magic. But no, everything is much simpler - the bracket on the wall decides the question with the necessary angle of rotation. The "slot" in the curtain creates the effect of the television of the TV above the floor.

Than "naphars" apartment

- On the floor, stirrerins are laid - beautiful, very pleasant to the touch and easy to care. He is beautiful. We have never regretted the choice of outdoor coverage. In the fall and in the winter we turn on the warm floor, since we have a small child. In the summer, walking on porcelain stoneware - one pleasure. Yes, during the cold season, electricity bills come more significant, but in principle they are not fused on savings kilowatt - for example, we launch the dishwasher every day, so as not to collect dirty dishes, baby things are also erased almost daily, it pulls its own and a wine closet.

The only miscalculation - during the repair did not provide for air conditioning. Now in an atypical heat for our latitudes they save his mobile version. The rest of the time the apartment does not overheat, "Tatyana clarifies.

The apartment is equipped with modern and expensive household appliances: under the sink, a chopper is installed, to whom the spouses cannot rejoice. There is also a cleaning and mitigation station (all, and not just for drinking), a boiler (this is granted in new buildings), washing and drying machine. The hostess says that the dryer loves even more than the dishwasher, and before her appearance and think could not, as far as this is a convenient and indispensable unit: "Things are clean, dry, they can immediately be folded in a closet or put on themselves, without a stage of iron. In addition, thanks to the right drying, the fabric does not deteriorate, any thing looks like a new one for a long time. " The pair is preferably prepared in the oven, because the two-component induction plate is enough.

- By the way, all that was possible, we were lucky from Poland. Previously, the conditions were different, therefore it was saved. For example, a mixer with a thermostat installed in our bathroom, in Minsk cost about $ 500. In Poland, I took it for $ 260 in the equivalent, also "wats" then took. With a crane in the kitchen the same story, "Evgeny adds.

The bathroom did not cost without the very designer solutions that are becoming a soul of the room. So, instead of the traditional hatch for accessing the counters or already familiar blindroom doors performing its function, Minsk resident bought in the store "Make Metal Doors. Over time, the moisture was covered with light rust and became a real art object.

Also, in addition to glass (matte), the door draws the attention of the "window" under the ceiling in the partition separating the bathroom from the residential. It was thought simply as decorative, but gave his bonus - additional light in the bathroom.

The owners themselves admit that their apartment is ideal for one or two people and with a small one, but there is no longer enough active daughter. In the next few months, Eugene and Tatiana plan to pick up new housing for themselves, and this apartment is to pass - only in good hands, expensive and with the condition that the clinical service will be maintained in it.

- We have already watched various options - and apartments, and cottages. But all something is wrong - either the design does not smell, although it can be seen that there is a lot of money, or repair in the photo is normal, but in the life "tired" to the inability. We are a good "spoiled" by this apartment, in which everything is thought out to the smallest detail, so it's so difficult to try on a new environment, "say spouses who managed to embody the picture into life.

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