Grand Kameo, cost and format. Details "League of Justice Zack Snider"

Grand Kameo, cost and format. Details
Grand Kameo, cost and format. Details "League of Justice Zack Snider"

The Vanity Fair edition released a large material dedicated to the Zack Snidder Justice League, which comes out on March 18 on HBO Max. The text describes how the director left the film during filming in 2017 and as returned to release his version. In general, this is a retelling of already known events, complemented by comments of direct participants. But there is a lot of new things here. chose the most interesting facts. For the convenience of perception, we broke the material into two blocks: the first is dedicated to the film 2017, the second - 2021.

To better understand the outlined arguments, it is important to know about the key event of the whole epic with different versions of the film. Against the background of a protracted depression, the reception daughter Snider Outum committed suicide in early 2017. This tragedy forced a snider with his wife (she was producer) leave the production of the film. They did not have their strength to resist the studio to the studio, which had pressure, because he began to doubt the correctness of the chosen path for their own film. The film finished the director of "Avengers 1-2" Joss Odon.

2017. "League of Justice" from Joss Udon:

Grand Kameo, cost and format. Details
Grand Kameo, cost and format. Details "League of Justice Zack Snider"
  • The film was worth the studio in almost $ 300 million, of which $ 25 million was directed to the processing of Odon. In addition, marketing additionally costs the conservative estimate, at $ 100-150 million. For such spending, fees in the amount of $ 657 million were equivalent to failure.
  • Guide Warner Bros. The success of Marvel did not give peace, where the formula for the narrative of ordinary people trying to curb supercase. In the Universe DC Snidder had a different approach, telling about the gods and immortal, seeking to be people or related to the usual world. The leadership seemed that the heroes were dark, and their abilities were to curse.
  • In 2016, when the film "League of Justice" began shooting, rumors arose that Snyder was fired. This did not happen, but the creative director of DC Entertainment Jeff Jones and Vice-President of Warner Bros were presented to the platform. For the production of John Berg. At a minimum, one of them was to constantly monitor the film creation, give recommendations and report on what is happening to the upstream leadership. Snyder did not mind their presence and discussed the proposed ideas.
  • Studio, in turn, rejected some ideas of the Snidder. In particular, he wanted to realize the novel between Batman and Lois Lane. The idea was that Bruce fell in love with Lois, and then realized that the only way to save the world was to return Superman to life. This was the conflict and dilemma, because Lois, still loved Superman. The dialogue was invented, in which Bruce tells Alfred that as soon as a squad from the superlines would gather, then for the sake of this woman is ready to stop being Batman.
  • In 2017, the post of President and Executive Director Warner Bros. Kevin Tsudzihara demanded to limit the timing of the film with two hours. Snyder did not understand how it is possible to present six characters and antagonists in such a time, as well as preserve lightness and humor.
  • Joss Widon came to the production of the film even when they were led by a snider. In the task of Ondon, it was to rewrite some fragments. Snyder did not oppose and was confident that Odon will come up with a few steep scenes.
  • Wyon reworked the film as it wanted to the studio.
  • After viewing the Udon version, all Warner Bros management. It was understood that the "piece of shit" turned out, but no one wanted to admit this in the open admit.
  • Despite the fact that the name of Zack Snipher stands in the credits in the column "director", he himself never seen the version released to the movie. Wife Deborah and Christopher Nolan, who produced the picture forbade her Snider. They themselves looked at the film before the premiere.
  • Wyon releaved about three quarters of the film. When the Snidder is asked about some details of this picture, it usually cannot understand what it is about.

2021. "League of justice Zack Snider"

Grand Kameo, cost and format. Details
Grand Kameo, cost and format. Details "League of Justice Zack Snider"
  • When Snyder in 2017 left Warner Bros., he took his laptop, on which his original almost four-hour "league of justice" was recorded. This version did not have visual effects, music and other thin details that make the film film. It was a black and white version, which he was ready to show his loved ones or familiar people.
  • In November 2019, when the fan movement "Release The Snyder Cut", requiring the release of the Snidder, has reached its peak, to resume cooperation to the director offered the head of Warner Bros. Toby Emmerich.
  • Initially Warner Bros. I wanted to just lay out the working materials of the film without any processing, but the snider did not go. He believed that the studio was trying to kill three hares at once: calm Internet users; present yourself in a favorable light as a company that fixes errors; Get the loose version of the film and say that it is not as good as they waited. Snyder categorically stated that in this case he disagrees nothing to release, and his version would remain myth.
  • The finalization of the film cost $ 70 million. At the same time, the Snider himself does not get any money for the work. He refused salaries in exchange for full creative control.
  • In the final of the audience waiting for some kind of discontinuous kameo. It was specifically shown already during work on the updated version.
  • The film will be presented in square 4: 3 format, and not in widescreen. It was in such a ratio of the parties that all trailers "League of Justice Zack Snider" were published. The director himself is completely not worried about the fact that many can irritate black stripes on the sides of the picture.
  • At the end of the film, there will be an inscription dedicated to the deceased adopted daughter of Snidder Outum, and will also play her favorite song "Hallelujah" performed by Leonard Cohen.
Grand Kameo, cost and format. Details
Grand Kameo, cost and format. Details "League of Justice Zack Snider"

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