7 facts about Kamal Harris, which can be the first US president


Joe Biden officially entered the position of President of the United States, and Kamala Harris officially became the first woman by vice president. Bidenu is already 78 years old, and if he dies, the president's duties will fulfill Harris. We tell about it in more detail.

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Harris - Daughter Immigrants

Her mother is a native of India, and the father is immigrant with Jamaica. Kamala's parents in the youth moved to America and entered the University of California in Berkeley. There they met. The family lived in the poor African American district, but thanks to the program "Integration" racial minorities Kamala Harris fell into a prestigious school. She then learned on a political scientist at Howard University in Washington and defended his master's thesis on jurisprudence in Berkeley.

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Kamala (in the center) with sister, grandfather, mom and grandmother. Photo: Postea-magazine.ru.

Career Harris: Support for the death penalty for absenteeism

She began her career from work in the district prosecutor's office of Alamide County in Auckland - had a case related to sexual crimes. Then he took the position of the district prosecutor San Francisco - fought with adolescent prostitution, and in 2011 it became the California Corroduction General.

At this post, Kamala Haris became famous for rigid and radical solutions. For example, she refused to support two bills prohibiting the death penalty in the state. This led to accusations from human rights defenders. Also Harris offered to finish the babes' parents - for the fact that they could not trace their children.

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Photo: Famebytes.com

In 2019, Harris announced participation in the presidential elections

Since 2017, she held the position of US Senator from California and managed to gain popularity. In the course of the debate, she violently criticized the former vice-president Joe Bayden and his decisions. But in December 2019, Harris came out of the race. The likely cause was low ratings and the lack of the desired number of donations to the campaign.

In March 2020, surprisingly many, Harris was supported by Biden's candidacy. She stated that he could become a leader that would unite the country. "

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Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. Photo: The-sun.com.

Camala Harris can be president

Joe Bidenu is 78 years old and he is the oldest president in American history. Many people fear that Biden may die by his death until the end of the term, for example, as the 29th US President Warren Harding. In this case, there is a law "On the continuity of the presidency" from 1947. According to the document, the president is first in the order of the inheritance of the presidential position.

What does Harris offer?

Harris adheres to democratic views, fighting for social justice and equality, condemns discrimination on any basis. In their election statements, she advocated a proposal to increase taxes "for the rich" and trim the financing of the Armed Forces.

Donald Trump about Kamal Harris

During the pre-election company, Donald Trump did not hesitate in expressions, comment on the candidacy of Harris for the position of vice president:

Kamala Harris, "he declared without a piece of paper, - an incredibly nasty man. The risen, the most terrible, most disrescript and most liberal of all in the US Senate. I can not believe that Joe Biden chose her as a partner in the election race.

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