How was the fate of the favorite of the princes of Sofya?


Vasily Golitsyn was not appreciated, however, he was at the origins of many positive transformations, which continued Peter I. Prince Golitsyn was the favorite of the prince of Sophia, which became regent for young kings Ivan and Petre. He is excluded that between Vasily and his power The patroness existed a love relationship. Golitsyn for many years was a devoted companion of the princes, but he was not destined to preserve his position with the young king Peter. Like many other supporters of Sofia, he was expected by a joyless fate. How was the fate of Vasily Golitsyn? What was the finale of his life?

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Vasily Vasilyevich Golitsyn was born in 1643 in Moscow. He belonged to an ancient noble genus, the founder of which was Lithuanian prince Gediminas. Many of the ancestors of Vasily occupied high positions at the court, were repeatedly awarded titles and titles. It is probably why Golitsyn's parents did not praise, hiring the best teachers and educators for a son who had a brilliant future. In the background of many of their contemporaries, Prince Golitsyn allocated excellent education and manners. He owned several foreign languages, was well aware in a military business. He was accepted at a young age, he was admitted to the court of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanova, received a place of the slap. After the death of the king, his son, Fedor Alekseevich, becomes the new sovereign. With it, the position of Golitsyn has strengthened even more. Bypassing the rank of Sound, he becomes a boyar, which was infrequently occurring in those times.

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Prince Vasily Golitsyn with a premium medal

Golitsyn and Sophia relations

In 1680, Vasily Golitsyn was sent to Ukraine, where he headed the shelves who protect the southern borders of Russia. He participated in the conclusion of the Bakhchisarai peace treaty. With this period, Golitsyn acquires authority at the court, and its power begins to increase invariably. As a reward for a successful military campaign, Tsar Fedor granted Golitsyn huge land plots. In that time, the prince met the daughter of the deceased Tsar Alexei, Sofia. What tied these people? There is no definite answer to this question. There is a suggestion that he became the lover of princes. He could not enter into marriage with her Holitsyn, because at that time the royal daughters could marry only behind the venance.

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Portrait of the prince of Sofia

Vasily Vasilyevich and Sofia relations were indeed atypical for that time. However, the king Fyodor Alekseevich did not confuse. Not worth it and forget that the young sovereign was a painful person, and serious deterioration of his health was closer to Sophia and her favorite. The monk Sylvester Medvedev and Prince Ivan Khovansky joined the group of sympathizers. All of them became associates, ready in the case of the king's death to speak in support of Sofia Alekseevna. Poly historian Casimir Valishevsky so wrote about this group of people:

Principles of Board

Oddly enough, the cousin of Vasily, Boris Golitsyn, was in the opposite steel - as a companion of the family of Naryshkina, who, who, after the death of Fedor, should be a lawful heir to be Tsarevich Peter. Despite the current situation, the confrontation of Sofia and Naryshkin did not affect the relationship between Vasily and Boris, which was able to keep friendship until the last days. After the death of King Fyodor Sophia becomes regent with his two crowned brothers. Golitsyn becomes one of the most influential people in Russia, focusing almost all the power in her hands. The Foreign Policy of Sophia was aimed at finding allies. So, for example, the prince sent an emergency embassy to Constantinople, which should have enlisted port support in the event of war with Poland. The Russian Embassy in Warsaw tried to strengthen the contradiction between the Turks and the Poles, thereby warning the military conflict with the participation of Russia. Storik S.M.Solev in his book "History of Russia from ancient times" notes the following:

This seems to me not only the desire for improving life, changes and innovations, but also a certain ideal look at the world, which was distinguished by the prince.

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Prince Vasily Vasilyevich Golitsyn

End of the power of Sophia and Golitsyn

With Golitsyn, several military trips were taken to the Crimea. In them, Russian troops suffered significant non-combat losses, the military clashes did not happen. The positive outcome of the speeches was only in indirect assistance to the allies to prevent the onset of the Tatars. A number of these failures became fatal for the Board of Sophia and its favorite. Sophia was sent to the monastery, and Golitsyn was devoid of boyars and all his property. Together with his family, he was sent to the Erensky town. In the future, the referentially was translated into the Pinezhsky wolves, where Vasily Vasilyevich and spent his last years. He died in the spring of 1714, was buried in the Krasnogorsk monastery. Today, this place is some ruins, but the tombstone of Prince Golitsyn managed to save - it is stored at the local museum.

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Oleg Strizhenov in the role of Prince Vasily Golitsyn in the film "Youth Peter"

Despite the fact that Vasily Golitsyn in the struggle for power spoke on the side of Sofia Alekseevna, many of his ideas and principles of activity were continued by Peter I, for the wellion of which the opponents of the Prince and Tsarevna fought - the family of Naryshkini. Golitsyn was an educated person of his time, he was not afraid Reforms and innovation, his task was considered close cooperation with the West and strengthening Russia's position in European countries. These aspects later became priority in Peter's activities.

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