Should I make interior in bright colors? - 8 facts for and against


Expressive atmosphere is impossible without color, but is it worth it because of this to take for a roller and paint the walls in yellow or turquoise? We offer to admire bright interiors and get acquainted with the pros and cons of such expressive solutions.

For: Suitable for extraordinary personalities

Often, the choice of color in the interior depends on the temperament of a person. Room or kitchen, sustained in rich shades, will definitely delight bold and optimistic people.

If you like experiments, the bright atmosphere will feed you with energy. If you are introvert and appreciate homemade calm, add paints dosage.

Should I make interior in bright colors? - 8 facts for and against 15015_1

For: gives light and originality

If the room is on the north side and looks dim, the best way is to add bright colors. If you leave a room without color, but to use gray, white and beige palette, the situation will become fresh and inexpressive.

Juicy gamma better reflects the light, and also makes the interior memorable and original.

Should I make interior in bright colors? - 8 facts for and against 15015_2

For: adds cheerfulness

Since the climate of the middle strip of Russia does not indulge the sun, with colored walls it will be easier to avoid seasonal depression. Bright shades form a mood at an unconscious level, be cheating and charged.

Of course, universal recipes do not exist - the same color can influence people in different ways, therefore, making living space brightly, focus on your own feelings.

Should I make interior in bright colors? - 8 facts for and against 15015_3
Should I make interior in bright colors? - 8 facts for and against 15015_4

For: Bright colors self-sufficient

Read also an accent wall in the interior

Oddly enough, using a color finish can be saved on repair. A saturated palette often does not require an additional decor, since it is a notable accent.

A brightly painted wall can be left blank or added minimum items: a couple of posters or lamps.

Should I make interior in bright colors? - 8 facts for and against 15015_5

Against: may irritate

You do not guess what the color will affect you until you live among it. If you like red, it does not mean that scarlet walls or kitchen headsets will delight you constantly. On the contrary: too obsessive gamut is easy to overload the interior.

Should I make interior in bright colors? - 8 facts for and against 15015_6

Against: fasterly annoying

The problem of color, which pulls on all the attention, in its unidirectionality. If the room is withstanding in saturated colors, it is more difficult to modify: standard design techniques will not work in it. Unlike the colorful setting, neutral design is easier to adjust the mood and season.

Should I make interior in bright colors? - 8 facts for and against 15015_7

Against: difficult not to be mistaken

With the help of a bright color, you can create a unique author's design, but for this you need to have a good taste, courage and sense of measure. Such interiors are complex in design, require thoughtfulness and condimation in the selection and combination of color.

The task is complicated by the fact that the color of the paint or wallpaper is sometimes difficult to find, because with different lighting it looks differently.

Should I make interior in bright colors? - 8 facts for and against 15015_8

Against: The bright interior is not always appropriate

Do you like to fall asleep in a lemon color bedroom? Do you want to work or relax among saturated blue or red walls? The juicy palette is not suitable for many rooms, although short-term stay in them can improve the mood.

Should I make interior in bright colors? - 8 facts for and against 15015_9

If you like bright shades, but you are afraid to use them in the interior, you should not act radically. Add color gradually, purchasing decorative pillows, changing the curtains and squeezed colorful posters - sometimes to create comfort and good mood this is enough.

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