Bought Shawarma at the metro station with high marks. Is it possible?


Bought Shawarma with a high marking at the subway. Inside something sour. The furramister asked about my health ...

All good!

Today we have a TRASH Overview of Shaurma. But now I decided to try Shawarma with the highest rating in the area.

My choice fell on the Kuzminki area, I decided to look for a shavooh right at the subway.

And imagine, found. On the map, this shawarma had the best score. She scored 4.26 out of 5 and the reviews are good, however, do not say that it's all.

Bought Shawarma at the metro station with high marks. Is it possible? 15_2

This Shavuha is located near the subway, on the other side of McDonalds.

Frequently decorated, such a funny uncle of a cook is placed on their banners. The furramister worked in gloves, the meat on the spit is clearly not covered.

Shawarma cost 150 rubles

Bought Shawarma at the metro station with high marks. Is it possible? 15_3


Shawarma follows trends and here it is served in the crafting paper. Shawoch itself elongated and not very heavy.

Inside somehow empty, it is even seen that the filling is missing. And something can not consider the sauce. From above on the tip, I was obviously some kind of garlic-mayonse sauce, but I don't feel even inside the smell of garlic.

I did not like it to taste. Something too sour tomato sauce is not balanced by sugar. Yes, and it is not enough, although in this case and it's good that little :)

Bought Shawarma at the metro station with high marks. Is it possible? 15_4

In general, this sauce spoils. Cons: price (above average) / weight and sauce. I do not recommend this shawarma.

The second shawarma with the middle score.

The second shawarma is right at the Metro Kuzminka. This is a way out to McDonalds. There is just a huge permeability.

And I had to stand in line.

Bought Shawarma at the metro station with high marks. Is it possible? 15_5

Obviously, this shawarma is in demand among the couriers of Yandex or Delivery, and there are quite a lot of McDonalds. This is a plus, since the guys make a choice of Shawarme, and not Cheeseburger from Mac.

The price is also 150 rubles

And, while I waited for my shawarma, several people bought sams. It will also be necessary to try, since it is so in demand.

Bought Shawarma at the metro station with high marks. Is it possible? 15_6

I liked that the hammist took new gloves from the package and worked in them. Was in a mask.

I asked me whether my health would eat onions and sharp peppers. In general, Hammist Like.

Taste and weight

This shawarma is clearly heavier than the first. By the way, I took it in a cheese pita. Well, in fact, it does not play a role, it is possible only a few salinity.

Bought Shawarma at the metro station with high marks. Is it possible? 15_7

In general, I liked this shawarma much more first. It has more sauce.

And the sauce in it to taste is more balanced and not sour. Here he is rather not tomato, but mayonnaise, although Ketchup is also there. The meat is more than in the first. And plus that the salted cucumbers were added, and not fresh, as in the first.

Even the photo shows that it is more filled.

Bought Shawarma at the metro station with high marks. Is it possible? 15_8

That is, the shawarma with satisfactory I liked more. As you can see, not always the assessment indicates quality.

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Message bought Shawarma at the metro station with high marks. Is it possible? appeared first on the plagiarifier.

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