Three Musketeers

Three Musketeers 14983_1

My favorite book on psychology - "Three Musketeers" ...

My favorite book on psychology is "Three Musketeers."

For me, this is a book about growing up. Dumas very accurately described three types of a matured person, although he wrote, of course, not about it.

Three types are called ATOS, Portos and Aramis. These three treat one sense row, because the title of the book "Three Musketeers". Three, not four.

D'Artagnan is a separate phenomenon.

So, according to my next pseudo-scientific theory, D'Artagnan is our youth. While Athos, Portos and Aramis are three species of an adult, D'Artagnan grows into one of which.

Every person in his youth is a bit of Gascon. Or a lot of a Gasconian how the genes will be lying. This is a storm and onslaught, swords of naked, solid purple and three thousand features. In adolescence, we are all the faster of your horse. In my youth we are all - d'Artagnan.

Education is such a dressing of the soul. We wear the old one, we grow out of it, so our illusions stick out out of too short sleeves, and we have to go into a new, adult, in size. As I said, in the wardrobe of adult shower three options.

Portos. D'Artagnan is gaining weight, heavy, caution, nests. He does not cry deeply, life for him consists of many small joys. The Portos forgets, which side take the sword and fit to the horse, but he is virtuoso sues the cucumbers and he has been treated in Turkey.

Aramis. D'Artagnan, on the contrary, dematerializes, resets the heavy flesh, which is too irretrievably pulling it to the ground, becomes an empty and shifts the days waiting for the wind.

ATOS. I was deliberately broken order and left ATOS for dessert. This is the most interesting and exciting character. It may seem that Portos and, especially, Aramis is the most tick antipodes of D'Artagnan. No, not at all. ATOS is who is the diametrical opposite of the sparkling Gascon, the full betrayal of his ideals.

- Life is empty if there are no exploits and adventures in it! - You are right, my friend ... But life is meaningless, even if there is an adventure.

This dialogue d'Artagnian and Athos from the Soviet film, he is not in the book. But he is so beautiful that it is necessary to add it to the book, thoroughly, I think.

ATOS is such a renounced d'Artagnan. He knows that the Wires of Hope do not lead anywhere that they are broken. He himself saw the tormented, the wiring ends of these wires, according to which D'Artagnan sends his telegrams. Athos realized that life was not a constant, but Milady.

The brighter in his youth, our d'Artagnan, the most likely in maturity he will become atos.

It suggests the assumption that there are powerless d'Artagnyans. That in the case of some unicumes d'Artagnan in twenty - and forty d'Artagnan.

Personally, I do not believe in it. Yes, I met d'Artagnanov and forty.

But it was D'Artagnan with the eyes of Athos.

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