"There are no indispensable for CSKA" - Italians about the conflict of Mike James with "Army"


Moscow CSKA officially removed James Mike from the team, "Italian Sportando reports.

According to the explanation of the club, after FENERBACHE, the fight in the dressing room took place a certain incident with the participation of James Mike (later it became known that the American in addition came up with a talk of Shengeliy in training).

As a result, CSKA removed the basketball player from training and matches.

The final decision on the future James Mike in CSKA will be made within a few days. A formal application will also be made about the situation when CSKA did not allow James to fly to the grandfather of his grandfather.

The readers of the site reacted to this news about the scandalous ex-player of the Milan Olympia as follows:

Otto Lamphred: - Oh, well, Well ... nothing is always under the moon. His collaboration with the club continued this time just longer only because we are talking about CSKA (James moved to the Stan of "Army team" in August 2019).

Lilloball_17: - Well, again ... Mike James is a basketball player with too little shelf life.

Dado: - Is it possible that CSKA will simply think some time and change its solution? Because it is not so simple to replace such a star.

Frank58: - Career stage in CSKA was a chance to change the idea of ​​herself. The Russian club could arrange it for him and, if everything went smoothly, he would have lived without any problems for a long time, while getting big money.

But when he passed there, it was clear that if he would again behave badly - it would turn shame. Probably James did not weigh the good things "for" and "against."

They can afford to replace any player and continue to win. There are no indispensable for CSKA. Proof of this is how they rearranged the composition after parting with De Kolo, Rodriguez, Heins and Corey Higgins. On the results of the club, it almost did not affect.

AK47: - And I still think that if they lose James, given the potential problems with injuries and a short bench, they will have very difficult. In the end, we are talking about an extremely talented basketball player, which can be easily recorded in the symbolic national team of Euroleagues, and who played a key role in the team system. They all need to redo.

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