Main on Wednesday. Sands - about parallels between protests in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, employees of appointed a "day" for picketing

Main on Wednesday. Sands - about parallels between protests in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, employees of appointed a
Main on Wednesday. Sands - about parallels between protests in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, employees of appointed a
Main on Wednesday. Sands - about parallels between protests in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, employees of appointed a
Main on Wednesday. Sands - about parallels between protests in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, employees of appointed a
Main on Wednesday. Sands - about parallels between protests in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, employees of appointed a
Main on Wednesday. Sands - about parallels between protests in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, employees of appointed a

So, February 3 does not leave us without political news. Today, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya nominated Maxim sign on the International Human Rights Prize, Putin's press secretary spoke of parallels between Belarusian and Russian protests, and Minskhanin convicted for 5 years to prepare for participation in mass riots. We tell about all these events in our chronicle.

Symbal.BY Employees Courts

"Court ended over Nikita Rabovka and Ksenia Miklashevskaya, - Pavel Belous, the creator of the store. - amounted to three protocols under articles 17.1, 23.4, 23.34, 23.34. The main thing - for which they were judged: Picket, putting products with symbolism on the store stand. Today, two cases decided. And Ksyusha, and Nikita - for 20 days. Tomorrow there will be a continuation of ships over the personnel "

Cancellation of the World Hockey Championship in Belarus will become a precedent?

ONLINER was at the disposal a letter signed by almost thirty ministers (responsible for the sport) EU member states. The appeal, aimed at the European Commission, aims to ban large international sports events in countries where human rights are violated. "Some competitions are undergoing or are planned to be held in states, of which reports of violations (abuses) of human rights have come from international monitoring groups," the document says. - It should be especially mentioned by Belarus (but not only it), where, according to the OSCE Rapporteur, "serious violations of human rights" were recognized as "mass, systematic and irrefutable proven."

International sports organizations should be encouraged to make responsible decisions regarding the hosts of major sports events - in the final of the letter formulas the main idea. "We would like to encourage the European Commission to make an obligation to determine the corresponding political approach to this important issue."

The year of national unity is what?

The government approved the plan of events per year of national unity. It includes a list of non-trivial events: from creating a telegram channel to an automotive bar. Their Advanced List publishes BelTA: "The list of events included 106 points. Among them are the implementation of decisions of the VI of the All-Belarusian People's Assembly, carrying out activities confined to landmark events in the history of Belarus and having special historical and socio-political importance (Constitution Day on March 15, Labor Day on May 1, Victory Day on May 9, Day of State Emblem and State Flag on May 9, the day of the nationwide memory of the victims of the Great Patriotic War on June 22, Independence Day on July 3, etc.), an auto-traggle dedicated to the Year of People's Unity. "

It is also reported that until March 1, they will work on the establishment of the statelessness in Belarus - the Day of National Unity. A draft law will be prepared to counteract the rehabilitation of Nazism, the heroization of the Nazi criminals and their accomplices. The plans for the creation of Informresource "People's Consent" and the telegram-channel dedicated to the Year of People's Unity, conducting socisisles "People's Unity as a factor in strengthening the Belarusian state". Officials want more actively to acquaint young people with the achievements of Belarus. Promise, "Methodical recommendations for educational institutions for the formation of knowledge and respect for the state symbols of Belarus will be developed." Parents of schoolchildren, get ready!

What else? All-Belarusian youth expedition "MEMORY routes. Routes of Unity ", Republican competitions for the best media resources of patriotic subjects, the project" Grodno - Youth Capital of RB 2021 ", organization of military-patriotic camps for youth, volunteer shares of helping lonely living elderly citizens, work of dialogues, round tables, open dialogues with representatives Registered public organizations and political parties on topical issues of the development of the country and regions, interaction with representatives of religious denominations on the formation of intolerance for the manifestations of extremism, Nazism and all forms of violence, holding the All-Belarusian prayer "for Belarus!". From New - the creation of the Councils of Elders at local executive and administrative bodies.

For business, "open adoptive" on the discussion of topical and problematic development issues will be organized, a start-up movement will be supported. In the Year of People's Unity, they want to hold the first forum of successful fathers and mothers, the congress of women, a number of sports and physical well-fitting events, activities for the development of media light and media security. Part of the events will be devoted to the landscaping of the country.

Four more people are recognized by political prisoners

The persecution of Anna Vishnyak and Sergey Polonis, who were accused of part 1 of Art. 342 of the Criminal Code ("Group actions, roughly violating public order") and Part 2 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code ("Mass Riots"), respectively, as well as the sentence to two and a half years of imprisonment to employees of BMZ Evgenia Govar and Alexander Bobrov, deprived of registration, the human rights center "Vyasna" considered politically motivated. According to human rights defenders, the persecution of these citizens is carried out in connection with the implementation of the freedom of peaceful assembly and express their opinions on the declared election results.

"The speeches of citizens wore a spontaneous, self-organization and were caused by distrust of the election results," says "Vasna". - The collections of citizens were a peaceful character and did not imagine the threats of any national nor public security. Despite this, the demonstrators were attacked by the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the disproportionate use of physical strength, specialized and weapons. "

The human rights center requires immediately release from custody of Vishnyak, Polonis, Hower and Bobrov and stop their criminal prosecution, and immediately release all political prisoners.

Victor Babarico headquarters and Svetlana Tikhanovskaya nominated Maxim sign on the International Human Rights Night Prize

The press service of Viktor Babarico reports that in May last year, Maxim sign joined the team of Viktor Babariko, represented the interests of Victor in the CEC, was the lawyer of Maria Kolesnikova and Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, and also filed a complaint to the Supreme Court to the election results and entered the Presidium of the Coordination Council .

"This is not only an exceptional step to uphold the rights and freedoms of citizens, but also the personal courage of Maxim - he knew that he could be arrested at any moment," said Svetlana Tikhanovskaya.

The headquarters noted that tens of thousands of Belarusians learned about their rights thanks to Maxim. He went into legal streams and affordably told how the law should work, what legitimate methods we have to protect our rights.

"Maxim sign is a principled lawyer and a candidate of law, believes in the rule of law and in its activities is always guided by law. From September 9, he is in the SIZO in Volodar. Maxim is recognized as a political prisoner and prisoner of conscience, "said Babarico headquarters.

Dmitry Peskov spoke of parallels between protests in Russia and Belarus

Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov refused to carry out parallels between the protests in Russia and Belarus. He added that the situations in the states are different and the reasons that led to the growth of protest activity differ.

- Here I would not carry out some parallels. Of course, there are similar elements. I mean the elements associated with provocateurs, provocative elements. Yes, they are, - said the sands. - But at the same time we are two different countries. We have different situations, different reasons, so I would not have identified it.

Minsk citizen convicted for 5 years colony for preparing for participation in mass riots

The third of February, the Pervomaisian District Court of Minsk sentenced 30-year-old Nikita Kharlovich by 5 years of the colony of a strict regime for preparing to participate in mass riots by making Molotov's cocktails, reports to the registration center "Vyasna".

His actions qualified in two articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus: Part 1 of Art. 295-3 and art. 13 h. 2 tbsp. 293. Nikita detained on September 27 employees of a pupil near the forest belt: the guy had two bottles with a cocktail of Molotov - he was going to drown them in a technical capacity, but did not have time. The guy stated in court that he was beaten in the department to get "necessary readings" for the video.

About 100 historians signed a statement in defense of the BCH flag

About 100 historians made a statement in defense of the National Flag: "Bela-Chyrwon-Bella Skating Z'Yuўlyettsa Nantsyanal І DJAZhўny Belarusian Sіmvalam. Yong would have been captured by ў 1917 by ўsіmі Belarusianі ntsyannyi Arganizatsyamі І stajannoye in 1918, the gangs of the fan of Susvutnay Vaine, Cali Novyy Kraіni, Yakiya ўznikі in Rynakhi Іmperiyu, ZapShvali SiMymbala. Our Natsiannyanny Diarzhava Belarusian People's Respublіku pledged Dzianzhana coat of arms - the workshop of the І DJAZHA-BELAGA-BELA-BELANDA-BELAGA KOLERA, the adponds of Belarusian and the people of Histarius.

On the website "Our Sake" can be joined by a statement, leaving your signature.

President of Ukraine Zelensky introduced sanctions against Russian TV channels

President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky introduced sanctions against several Ukrainian television channels "to counter foreign propaganda". Under the sanctions, the channels "112" and Newsone, belonging to the deputy from the Party "Opposition Platform - for Life", reports RBC. Zelensky said that Kiev supports freedom of speech, but not propaganda, "funded by the country-aggressor".

"Sanctions is a difficult decision. Ukraine fully supports freedom of speech. But not a propaganda funded by the country-aggressor, which undermines the movement of Ukraine on its path to the EU and European integration. The struggle for independence is the struggle in the informational war for the truth and European values, "wrote Zelensky in Twitter.

The fact that Ukraine introduced sanctions against three channels, it became known on the eve of the evening. The President approved the decision of the Council of National Security and Defense on the application of personal economic and other sanctions. Channels "112", Newsone, "TV Choice", "New TV format", "TV partner", "Ariadna TV" and others were used.

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