For 600 rubles from sukhov to the center of Ivanov, it offers to get there Yandex. Taxi

For 600 rubles from sukhov to the center of Ivanov, it offers to get there Yandex. Taxi 14966_1
Photo: VKontakte.

Today, Ivanov inhabitants in social networks are in every way inclined regional carriers. Take for example the post in one of the "Vkontaktov" social group. It sounds like this: "Good afternoon! I propose to raise the question of the work of a taxi. Today is not New Year's Eve and not another holiday so that serious problems with transport were. But in an hour in taxi 42 did not take the order," lucky "too. And in" Yandex. Taxi "Price is 3 times overgrown. For 600 rubles to Moscow you can get there, and here from the sukhov to the city center offer for the same amount!" - Ends your angry post one of the subscribers.

On the topic of accessibility of a taxi in Ivanovo and pricing politics, as well as many other things we talked with our long-time friend, the chairman of the interregional transport trade union Roman Kruglov. His word: ⠀

- Yandex. Taxi is exactly the fact that it leads a flexible pricing policy - the higher the demand, the higher the tariff coefficient. This situation is not only in Ivanovo, but in the whole country. Such a state of affairs a lot of things do not like, especially when you go in the morning in one price, and from work in the evening - completely over the other. Now elevated demand is associated with weather conditions - there was snowfall on weekends, a blizzard. Now not all the courtyards are cleared, but also frost pushing people to move on taxi. Thus, people massively turn to taxi drivers.

If you take a taxi 42, it is still considered an economy - they have no such flexible tariff formation. That is why there are not enough cars in the peak clock, because people do not want to pay 600 rubles, but they want for 200. People turn in 42 - there is no longer the batter and the cars are missing.

- Is there a way out of the situation?

- Strictly speaking, I do not see any way out. The only thing - someday, maybe some new players will appear. Then, maybe the competitors will force Yandex to temper appetites.

- In general, how much is the price tag to raise three times?

- In accordance with the legislation, we have fares set the carrier. In fact, there is no such thing in the legislation - the carrier is a freighter. What is "Yandex. Taxi"? In essence, this is an electronic announcement board. You place information about the order, and who wants this information. In courts where various unpleasant things happen, Yandex is trying to prove that it is not a freighter. Nevertheless, the courts, the Supreme Court, including, confirmed the responsibility of "Yandex" for various troubles in the event of an accident, etc. This in principle means the responsibility of "Yandex" for the purpose of the tariff. In fact, "Yandex" did not restrain and did not say that he was just an information agent, in fact, he is an employer, since it is he who appoints the price for the passage. That is, nothing depends on the driver.

- What can be said in this plan about traditional taxi services?

- In fact, in this case, the law must be appointed by the driver if he is an IP and is an officially registered carrier and has a corresponding permission to take a taxi. Since the taxi service itself does not have a taxi permission. How it would not sound paradoxically, because the permission for a taxi activity is issued for a particular car, and not on the phone number.

Due to the monopoly position in the market of taxi services, aggregators, it is precisely the price, it is nothing depends on the driver. Yandex is trying to motivate drivers to go to work in peak hours, in the clock of global loads in order to ensure maximum export.

- And yet we will return to our "Baranam", to our example ...

- Not every passenger agrees to pay 600 rubles from sukhov to the center. Unless, of course, it is not too urgent to go. I will tell you that with such coefficients drivers begin to idle. It would seem that the price is high - no one goes on them. And in cheap services it turns out just a spell. There is no market balance, so that there is some kind of average proposal, and that another car arrived on request. It turns out serious distortion, and the lawmakers believe that the market should adjust itself. In 2018, a bill was adopted in the first reading, which was supposed to adjust the activities of aggregators, including the price coefficients. But then the first reading did not pass this bill. They tried to make a number of different amendments, which were also rejected by the State Duma. There is a very large number of individuals, that is, lobbyists and this is the lobby - the same "Yandex", "Sitimobil" in Moscow. Large players are not interested in regulating them to legislation. Therefore, they in every way brake the adoption of this draft law.

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