Evening Novostroy.ru: 13.3% of Russians were beyond the feature of poverty, Muscovites stopped buying a "secondary", migrant construction workers are still in short supply


Revenues of Russians last year decreased, the proportion of citizens living below the poverty line reached 13.3%. We asked the expert why the state still did not solve this problem. No less interesting news is associated with lending - the amount of mortgage issued in 2020 increased by 35%, the debts of Russians and the number of overdue loans payments increased with it. About this and other news of the real estate market of Russia and Moscow, read in digests from January 29th.

On the threshold of poverty. The number of Russians whose income below the subsistence minimum reached 19.6 million people, it is 13.3% of the country's total population, Rosstat reports. Back in the first quarter of the 2020, the number of Russians per feature of poverty was 18.6 million.

"Russian power balanced: 18371 to allow at all hungry poverty, but also to allow the expansion of the class of small owners and self-employed is also dangerous - they have independent political views. But the balance is increasing increasingly due to the low quality management. The solution of a housing problem is determined by the level of income and ideas about how to live "correctly". In addition, it is a hybrid: on the one hand, the market, on the other, is a social problem. In my opinion, the "housing question" is not the main thing today. More importantly, the absence of a clear perspective, "comments Dmitry Sinkin.

Unresolved problem. In Russia, there is a shortage of workers migrants at construction sites, Interfax reports with reference to surveyed developers. According to representatives of companies, the point importation of foreigners on construction sites, which promised to organize MinStroy, still does not work in the capital. Developers who submitted applications to the department still have not received answers. In addition, experts noted, the number of wishing to attract migrants will not be so big as expected. On the company who want to invite foreigners to work, additional expensive obligations are superimposed: to provide builders with housing, put them on migration and arrange the tests for coronavirus.

Recall, on January 18, the President instructed the government to solve the problem of attracting foreign workers to construction.

New project. The developer "Grave" bought a part of the territory of the Moscow tire plant on the Street of Balikopodshipnikovskaya. The company will build 260 thousand square meters of housing, school and kindergarten in the former industrial station. The developer has already issued permits for the project. How many buildings will be erected and what prices for housing in the LCD "Gravel" will not report yet.

All started. In January 2021, the demand for secondary housing in Moscow fell by 35% compared with the same period of the 2020, writes the Russian newspaper with reference to these realtors. According to specialists, buyers scare the prices of apartments, which last year rose by 20-30%. Also, the deficiency of lots affects the decline in sales: according to experts, by the beginning of the 2021th, the number of ads in Moscow decreased by a third.

How many are Russians? The amount of mortgage issued increased by 35% in 2020 compared with 2019 - up to 4.3 trillion rubles, analysts of the Central Bank said today. Along with this, the debt of Russians in front of creditors has grown. By the beginning of 2021, the total debt of citizens in the mortgage reached 9.07 trillion rubles, this is a record amount, the Central Bank reports. For the 2020th size of the total mortgage debt of Russians grew by 21%. The volume of overdue payments for mortgages also increased - by 11.3% to 71 billion rubles.

Evening Novostroy.ru: 13.3% of Russians were beyond the feature of poverty, Muscovites stopped buying a
In January 2021, the demand for secondary housing in Moscow fell by 35%

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