Balakov police everyday life. New bribers in traffic police, carpagine care and deryabar

Balakov police everyday life. New bribers in traffic police, carpagine care and deryabar 14953_1

In the ranks of the police Balakov, a new scandal, which is still a hoodie.

While the Balakovo District Court does not start consideration of a multi-volume criminal case against 4 traffic police officers who made large systematic bribes in the patch direction (a court for various reasons have been postponed 6 times), at least one more story of such a sense was born.

Law enforcement officers in a trust manner retell to each other a simple story, as the other day the traffic police patrol stopped drunk driver. Instead of sanction with deprivation of rights by 1.5-2 years and a fine of 30 thousand rubles, a compromise was made on the spot. The culprit gives only 30 thousand, but Naly and immediately. True, the violators did not have money, they needed to "collect". And the next day, traffic cop-korobechnik himself came to the named house, where he received a talented amount. However, the spouse of the violators took off the process of transferring money to the video and sent to the management of the regulatory police.

Visit USB did not make himself wait long. As a result, the reports for dismissal allegedly filed 4 traffic police officers at once, which can actually be some exaggeration. The fact is that in the investigative committee Balakov did not confirm the information on the criminal prosecution of any of the current traffic police officers.

In addition, in the valiant ranks of the road police, they continue to service from the second navigation of 2 officers, each of whom has done cases in young years (one fell on a bribe and was forced to hastily quit, the same happened with another traffic cop who fell into an accident and left the places first Accidents, and then a place of service). However, both wanted to gain experiences and permit to a solid pension, hence the secondary employment, which was condemned by all veterans of the MIA Balakov.

One way or another, but according to our data, after a visit to Balakovo USB, the report on the dismissal was hurried to submit unstepicable - the head of the department for working with the MU MVD "Balakovskoye" 53-year-old Colonel Sergey Toropigin.

And the latest news concerning the reputation of the law enforcement.

Ex-head of the traffic police Balakov Oleg Dlyabin, fired simultaneously with the scandal in his department (see the beginning of the article), does not see himself with anyone except Mr. Police.

Therefore, it is currently trying to recover in the service through the court, without fearing the twelflation of colleagues.

To get at least some comment in the Balakov police physically impracticable - the press service is not now there in any form.

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