What to see together? Romantic Films of Love Outside

What to see together? Romantic Films of Love Outside 14952_1
Frame from k / f "The wife of the traveler in time", 2008 photo: kinopoisk.ru

Wrap it in a cozy plaid, there are deliciousness and watch all day films - We just recently dreamed of such pastime. Life set up its conditions, and now everyone has more time for the family and the house, favorite hobbies and loved ones in principle. What to do on quarantine together? Watch a good movie!

Romantic films are removed on hundred every year, but worthy, leaving after themselves a pleasant aftertaste and food for the mind will have to search.

We offer a selection of 5 fascinating love films that overcomes any obstacles.

1. "Traveler's wife in time" (2008)

Fantasy drama on the novel of the American writer Audrey Niffenegger.

Herry's main character (Eric Bana) has an amazing gift that has become his curse - to move in time. It turns out in a strange way in the past and the future. Henry meets his wife (Rachel Makadams) when she is still a girl. And falls in love with her then, she has long been in love with him for a long time, because he knows his whole life. She was prepared by the role of the traveler's wife in time - heavy, sometimes unbearable burden.

The film teaches not to be fed under the circumstances and remember that life is speedy and it is important to appreciate every moment spent together.

2. "Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton" (2008)

Love and mysticism. Franksis Scott Fitzgerald's story from David Fincher.

Brad Pitt plays the role of a person named Benjamin (men, boys, old man - actors perfectly made), which is experiencing life in the opposite direction. He is born by a weak old man and gradually young people, ultimately die baby. Throughout life, he is in love with one woman. Is she ready to accept and divide this strange fate?

Watching the hectares and jokes of fate, the audience reflect on what remains with us out of time ...

3. "P. S. I love you "(2007)

One of the first lines in the list of tearful melodrama is occupied by this tape in the same name of the American novelist of Cecilia Ahern.

Jerry and Holly (Gerard Butler and Hilary Swank) are designed to each other fate and were confident that they would be together. But fate ordered otherwise, and Jerry left before. In order for the beloved to manage to survive a loss, he left her seven messages, each of which ended the asscription: "P.S. I love you".

Is love able to defeat death? Each himself answers this question.

4. "Passengers" (2016)

Scifi-melodrama about lost in space.

The interplanetary liner "Avalon" furrows the expanses of the universe. People on the ship are in hibernation, ready to wake up in 120 years, but the capsule of one of the passengers, the mechanic jim, suddenly unloaded. Immersing alone, Space Adam finds himself Eve: he decides to open another capsule, in which the beautiful Aurora's serenely sleepy. She, of course, will have to find out that Jim deprived her of the future and overlooking her loneliness, but this will happen after she is irrevocably falling in love with him.

Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence plays a touching history of love, where there is a place of egoism, forgiveness and dangerous adventure in space.

5. "Butterfly Effect" (2004)

According to the theory of chaos and such a concept as the "butterfly effect", even a slight change in the past can entail irreversible changes in the future.

These scientific concepts check the hero of history - Evan Treborn, who suffers from childhood failures in memory, and in adulthood understands that they were not accidental. It moves into the past and tries to change the fate to correct the mistakes and make the life of the beloved woman happy. But every time something goes wrong ...

The film has several finals - happy and unhappy, but not only fate chooses whether people are loved and happy.

Acquaintance with this selection of films is changing the perception of reality and the place of love in a person's life. The paintings do not just build the evening, but also leave a rich material for reflection.

Author - Maria Ivanchikova

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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