5 Parent Soviets about personal lives that should be ignored


"You chose him myself! Here are the terpi now! "

The picture of the world of your mom is probably so: the family needs to save at any cost, especially for children. Sunday causes for divorce used to be alcoholism or violence from the spouse. Neither betrayal, nor the nursing attitude towards parental duties, nor the lack of mutual respect stopped in the desire to preserve the cell of society.

The family is where all - spouses, children - should be comfortable. Of course, there are heavy periods in the life of the family, but if this phenomenon is constant, patience only prolongs agony.

"I am older, I know better!"

"Wisdom does not always come with age, sometimes one comes one," says a funny saying. There is always someone older to teach you life.

In fact, in solving one or another question, the main role is plays not age, but experience - skills and knowledge. In addition, parents live with such a life as you (they have their habits, routine).

PEXELS / ELLY FAIRYTALE "How much can you live together?! Let's get married! "

Your mother is probably worried about you. She thinks that your man does not feel about you, since it does not offer to go to the registry office, and with any convenient opportunity, make a handle. Explain to her that such a state of affairs suits you both. That now the modern woman is not so difficult to find the second half. If it is worried about the material question, then it is possible to calm the parent, told about the equary ownership.

"You are silent, but do it in your own way!"

According to Mom, the thin world is better than a good quarrel. Therefore, he advises you to "show female wisdom and tact not to provoke a quarrel with your beloved." In fact, when it becomes a contradiction, it is better not to be silent and not wait for the boiling point when the dispute can grow into a scandal and finding out the relationship.

On the other hand, silent and do in its own way - it is a pretty serious act. It is unlikely that your partner will like if you decide family questions about his back. Marriage or permanent relationship is always partnership, where all joint work is usually discussed and make a decision together.

PEXELS / COTTONBRO "You are already 30! Let's give birth at least for yourself! "

The scenario of life of your parents looked like this: to get a higher education, find a job in a specialty (on which to work to retirement), marry and immediately give birth to children (preferably two). Any liberations were regarded as a discrepancy between the generally accepted standards of the Soviet society. There was even a tax on childlessness as a reproach is that a citizen lives in his pleasure, and does not want to build a socialist society as everything.

In the modern world, fortunately, it became customary to think about personal happiness. And if you are satisfied to be childless, not to have a stamp in the passport, build a career and buy a round-the-world tour instead of an apartment - this is exceptionally your business.

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