How Tatarstan entrepreneurs are going to survive and save their business in 2021 - video


How Tatarstan entrepreneurs are going to survive and save their business in 2021 - video 14937_1

The new 2021 year has come, the case when it is difficult to plan something in advance. Sad, because the hopes for the fact that this year for a business, for the economy will become a year not even growth, but at least restoration, alas, almost melted.

All experts warned in advance, from the middle of the past year analysts began to draw more pessimistic trajectories - long-term business recovery. The complexity is still lies in the fact that no one still does not know exactly for what time the second wave of pandemic stretches whether the third will be the third how quickly will begin vaccination.

And the point, by the way, not only in the pandemic. A relatively new term, firmly included in the lexicon of people, became the term "perfect storm". This is when there is an overlap of many, reinforcing factors: the collapse of oil prices, coincided in time with the limitations of coronavirus, plus the fall in demand and business activity. In the case of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia, it is also quite appropriate to talk about the "perfect storm". After all, it is not enough that entrepreneurs lost due to forced downtime, many demanded demand, so even during this period the state has planned global changes in taxation. Cancellation of a single tax on the imputed income, from 2021, the transition of entrepreneurs to other systems: patent, simplified, and so on. The government has long planned this reform and to postpone further apparently, in the federal center they decided inappropriate, and the state execution also needs funds in this crisis. But, many entrepreneurs still believed that UTII would leave, suffer this reform, but did not happen. Therefore, the moods in the business environment have changed, have become more painful.

Thus, according to the Center for Strategic Developments, about 60% of companies say that their revenues and operating income on the results of 2020 decreased. And if in October they talked about a decrease of 10-14%, then in December, the decline is estimated regarding revenue by 25% and profit by 22%. 52% of companies in Russia are talking about reducing demand. On average, 37% of companies expect a decrease in the number of employees, the so many are waiting for salaries. Etc.

That is, the coming year will be very difficult for business. However, and in this crisis period it is necessary to talk about the development, building an effective business. This is more than really even under current conditions and even if you have a business honestly, legally and pay all taxes, in full.

What awaits business in the new 2021 year and how not to survive, but to develop? We see more about this in the plot of the program "7 days" on TNV.

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