On the day of all lovers, Rospotrebnadzor prepared delicious and useful "Valentine's"

On the day of all lovers, Rospotrebnadzor prepared delicious and useful
On the day of all lovers, Rospotrebnadzor prepared delicious and useful "Valentine's" PRSPB

Original surprises for loved ones, announcement of winners of the 1st stage of the contest of desserts and much more is waiting for readers of the portal healthy-food. RF on Valentine's Day.

On this day, it is customary to give something to their halves, make pleasant surprises for them, including culinary. The theme of delicious and useful gifts for loved ones will be devoted to the main publication of the portal:

  • On the day of all the lovers, Rospotrebnadzor prepared recipes of healthy dishes that you can surprise your beloved.
  • The leading Russian chefs will share with the readers of the portal with their professional "lifehams": tell how to culinary masterpiece to conquer the heart of his chosen one and how to make delicious and sophisticated Valentine.
  • Gifts on this day are waiting for the winners of the first stage of the recipes contest # dessertyadlyavy, which takes place on the website recipes. Health-food. FRF and in the Instagram account of the project. On the results of the choice of jury and voting users will also be announced on February 14.

Many on the day of all lovers are decided to invite their second half to a cozy restaurant or fashionable cafe. Rospotrebnadzor calls on to be more attentive in public catering and recalls the rules that will avoid unpleasant situations and a spoiled romantic evening. This topical topic will affect February 14 another publication of the portal.

More information can be obtained on the site Healthy-food. RF, as well as on our pages on Facebook, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram.

Valentine's Day

The holiday that is familiar to us now, originated in times when the Roman Empire of the Rules of Claudius II. Romans then led the countless wars at the borders of the Empire. This required a constant influx of strong and healthy men. The insistent emperor was convinced that married soldiers think less about wars and about the honor of the empire, and idle, opposite - inspired and ready to risk life. Therefore, Claudius II issued a decree, which forbade soldiers to make a family.

However, loving couples who want to get married, did not want to obey the will of the emperor. And there was a person who began to secretly walked in love - a priest named Valentin from the Roman city of Terni. The ruler found out that Valentine helps young couples and sentenced him to execution. By coincidence, the priest himself was in love with his jailer's daughter, and a farewell letter sent her a farewell letter with the signature of "Your Valentine" on the day of Kazni. It was it that it became the prototype of those valentines, which we give our beloved. Subsequently, Valentine was canonized by the Catholic Church, and in 496 the Roman Papa Gelasius announced on February 14 in St. Valentine's Day. From the 18th century, the holiday was widespread throughout Europe.

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