"Love and Pigeons" more like men, and "beauty" - women


The best films about love are "Love and Pigeons", "Titanic" and "Beauty", and over the past ten years a list of cinematographic preferences of Russians has almost changed. On the eve of the Day of Lovers, the search service for the search for high-paying work Superjob found out which films about love most like Russians, interviewing 1.6 thousand economically active respondents from all counties of the country.

Romantic comedy "Love and Pigeons" The best film about love is 13% of respondents, and among the fans of this picture a little more men (14% against 12% among women). Soviet classics are a little inferior to "Titanic" with Leonardo Di Caprio (10%): it also chooses a strong floor (11% against 9%). In third place among the best films of love were "Pretty Woman", "Diary of Memory" and "Three meters above the sky" (3%). Among the fans of the "beauty" and "memory diary" more women, but "three meters above the sky" equally likes to representatives of both sexes.

"Washed", "Moscow does not believe in tears" and "Ghost" consider the best romantic cinema for 2% of Russians. 1% of respondents would prefer such pictures like Romeo and Juliet, "Hurry to Love", "Service Roman", "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Ferry", "Girl" and "Pride and Prejudice".

3% of Russians admitted that they do not look at the love films at all, and 45% called other options for excellent romantic films, for example: "To meet you", "Lake House", "Twilight", "You didn't dream ...", "Spring on Zarechnaya Street", "Star to the Star", "Station for Two", "fly cranes", "The best in me", "between the sky and the earth", "after", "I can't say" goodbye "", " Sweet November, "Hachiko," Exchange Vacation "," PS I love you, "Real Love" and others.

Since 2011, when SuperJob conducted a similar study, fans of the film "Love and Pigeons" became a little more (9% decade ago and 13% today), the film "Three meters above the sky" appeared in the ranking.


Survey location: Russia, all districts.

Settlements: 382.

Time: January 26-29, 2021.

The total population studied: the economically active population of Russia over 18 years old.

Sample size: 1600 respondents.

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