Sops ovary: what to do?


    Good afternoon, my reader. Often, after the formation of ovary on fruit trees, part of it crepts. This is an absolutely natural process: non-visual fruits die away. However, there are situations where maritime or misfortune fruits are supremely vested. Why does this happen and how to deal with this phenomenon?

    Sops ovary: what to do? 14907_1
    Sops ovary: what to do? Nelie

    Why crept marking? (Photo used according to a standard license ©

    First of all, it is necessary to check whether the tree gets water enough. If drought happens, the plant seeks to survive, getting rid of excess cargo to which the fruits belong. Also begin to crumble and leaves. It is easiewless to solve this problem, pouring under the root of the tree for 10-15 buckets of the well-minded warm water, or a launch of a rod to the rich circle so that the cold moisture from the water pipe will warm up about the warm ground.

    Sops ovary: what to do? 14907_2
    Sops ovary: what to do? Nelie

    Drying and focusing Zaizzya (Photo used by standard license ©

    But there are other reasons:

    1. Lack of nutrients.
    2. Diseases.
    3. Attack pests.

    Consider these reasons separately for each group of fruit trees.

    These reasons are characteristic of plum, allyci, felt cherries, almonds, apricots and peach.

    Drain and Alychi can affect:

    • Yellow plum dye;
    • Tolston dog;
    • Eastern fruit.

    Measures of struggle:

    1. Processing insecticide ("Instest C-M", "Carbotsin", "Madex Twin", etc.). At the same time, insects and caterpillars on the surface should be shaken on the film and burn.
    2. Treatment with a strong solution of the table salt (700 g per 10 liters of warm water). It is necessary to work on the surface of the tree, in no case do not on the root circle!
    3. Installing Padalitsa by 50-70 cm deep into the pests could not get out. After 1.5-2 years, the pit, where the fallen fruits were buried, turns into a humus source for the fertilizer of the garden.

    For plum and alchi (as well as for apricots or peaches) are dangerous:

    • fruit rot (monilion);
    • Red spotty (polystigm).

    Measures of struggle:

    1. Sanitary trimming of affected branches.
    2. With the dissolution of the kidneys - the treatment of plants by burgown liquid (3%).
    3. Before flowering and after flowering - re-processing with the same drug (but already 1%).
    4. Processing drugs "Abiga Peak" or Hom.

    To prevent the lack of nutrients, it is necessary to make the following feeding:

    1. Before flowering - 6 tablespoons of potassium sulfate, 6 tablespoons of a carbamide on one tree (dissolve in 30 liters of water).
    2. When feeding the fruits - 6 tablespoons of nitroposki, 4 tablespoons of the carbamide (on 40 liters of water).
    3. When the harvest is removed - 9 tbsp. Supports of superphosphate, 6 tbsp. Potassium sulfate spoons (30 liters of water).

    For these trees are dangerous:

    • apple-fruit;
    • Pear fruit.

    Measures of struggle:

    1. Early spring process the tree insecticides ("avant", "biocil", etc.).
    2. Cleaning in the spring and autumn tree from dead crust.
    3. Removal and destruction of Padalitsa.
    4. The use of belts.
    5. Looking near the treasury trees. Their smell scares pests.

    As with the plums, they will help the HOW, "Abiga Peak", as well as borodic liquid. Also good 1% solution of colloidal sulfur (in front of the blossom). After harvesting, the wood is working with copper vitriol (100 g on the water bucket).

    Sops ovary: what to do? 14907_3
    Sops ovary: what to do? Nelie

    Healthy planting apple trees (Photo used by standard license ©

    Trees feed like this:

    1. April-May - 3 glasses of carbamide on a tree.
    2. Beginning of flowering - 3.5 glasses of urea, or 10 liters of chicken litter in the rolling circle.
    3. After harvesting is 1 cup of potassium sulfate and 1.5 glasses of superphosphate. Preparations are scattered in a rolling circle, then abundant irrigation.

    In addition, once in 3-4 years old trees should be picked up with 5 compost vessels.

    These trees often attack:

    • cherry fly;
    • Cherry weevil.

    Measures of struggle - processing insecticide ("carbocin", "Kinmix" and similar means).

    For cherries and sweet cherries are dangerous:

    • Cockclock (red-brown spotty);
    • Monylize (fruit rot).
    Sops ovary: what to do? 14907_4
    Sops ovary: what to do? Nelie

    Cherry (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    Measures of struggle:

    1. 1% solution burglar fluid.
    2. Chloro-acid copper (30 g per bucket of water).
    3. Bordeaux liquid (3%).
    4. Fungicides ("Abiga Peak", Hom, etc.).

    Processing is carried out in the period after flowering and immediately after cleaning the fruits.

    When feeding can be focused on the rates for the drain and Alyci. It is also useful to make a crown with a solution of 1 tbsp. l carbamide on the bucket of water.

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