20 events worth visiting at Non / Fiction Fair

20 events worth visiting at Non / Fiction Fair 14907_1
20 events worth visiting at Non / Fiction Fair Dmitry Eskin

On March 24-28, finally, in full-time format in the living yard, the Non / Fiction fair will be held. The program is volumetric and saturated - it seems that if you do not have a flywheel time, you can do everywhere and everywhere will not work. Time Out advises 20 events to pay attention to first.

March 24

March 25

26 March

March 27.

March 28.

March 24

MEETUP: How to become a successful blogger?

15: 00-16: 00, seminar zone №2

If you have long wanted to try to write about books to at least discipline ourselves and read more, and as a maximum of becoming a popular blogger, you will probably be interested in those who have already happened. Mitap Speakers - the chief editor of the Bombor's publishing house Ramil Faskhutdinov, the creator of the telegram channel "Book Lis" Olesya Skopinskaya, the author of copyright courses and blogger Ekaterina Chubukin and the author of Yutub-Channel "Reading" Polina Pars. They will share their experiences, what to focus on the text and what books to write reviews to attract the audience.

Ekaterina Kashirskaya "Scientific-popular comics - a new reading format for modern children and adolescents"

16: 00-17: 00, lecture

Ekaterina Kashirskaya - director of the publishing house "on foot in history", which specializes in children's scientific and popular literature. In comics, it is clearly, accessible and fascinatingly describes not only about animals, insects and birds, but also about the economy - what is the market and how it functions, as the law of supply and demand works, from which the state's income is investing, what is the difference between the shares and bonds . Answers to these questions will help and schoolchildren and adults are better to deal with theory and at least a little increase their financial literacy. And thanks to the comics, it will be done even easier - Catherine will explain why this, at first glance, entertainment format.

Presentation Evgenia Gunter of the first screenshot about princesses

18:00, the territory of knowledge

Girls from childhood admire princesses, believing that they have a wonderful carefree life that you can only dream of. But is it true? Evgenia Gunter in his new book "I am a princess!" Shows both privileges and restrictions, the complexity of the everyday princesses, which lived 100, 300 or even 3000 years ago.

Each story is a collective image of a certain culture based on historical facts. Princesses from Ancient India and Egypt, Persia and Medieval France, the Austrian Empire and Dopurerovskaya Rus - they had general, and completely different dreams, classes and fears that had to fight.

18 books from the top sheet of the Non / Fiction fair, which will become an excellent gift for adults and children

Arina Rovenkina, Maria Eril. Presentation of the book of Masha Halevi "Polyamoria. Freedom to choose

19: 00-20: 00, seminar zone №1

Journalist and sex enlightener Arina Rovertkina and psychologist, an expert of the magazine Psychologies Maria Eril will present the book by Masha Halevi Polyamoria and discuss the questions that there is no unambiguous response, but the discussions are always memorable. Many people think that monogamy is natural for a person, but how truthfully this statement is? Is there only one faithful option to build relationships? Or we have the right to choose, if only because a conscious decision motivates much stronger than the phrase "it seems, everyone is doing that"?

About polyamoria and ethics:

"Someone likes a lot of incentives, someone is enough one": Instagram-blogging about ethical nonmonogamy and the importance of alternatives in relations

March 25

Andrei Konstantinov "World of Future"

12:00, the territory of knowledge

Technologies continue to develop rapidly - the future of many is true or not entirely scares: what if human labor will cease to be necessary and we will lose our work? The popularizer of science and journalist Andrei Konstantinov invites you to reflect and dispatch on the world of the future.

Read-win: 10 excellent books about video games in Russian

Will specialists will be replaced by robots? What is worth waiting from artificial intelligence? And how will we change in this new technological reality?

Masha Traub. Presentation of the new book "Do not Mamkay"

14: 00-15: 00, seminar zone №1

Useful parents book from Masha Traub - a famous author of modern prose and moms of two children. In "not Mamkay", unobtrusive recommendations for education are presented, supported by examples from the life of the writer - both joking and quite serious. This is a full-fledged collection of success and failures of parental life.

Literary sketching: Start writing right now

16: 00-17: 00, amphitheater

The desire at least for a short to feel like a writer often disappears somewhere, it is worth only to see a white sheet again. Journalist and author of the book "Write Ryano, edit soberly" Yegor Appolonov will help to cope with the stupor. On the master class you will get a creative task, create and then discern the text. All you need is paper, pen and, of course, fantasy, not limited to the framework that we own yourself.

Anastasia Tasting and Tatyana Grigoryan. Presentation of the series "History and Science Runet. Children »

17: 00-18: 00, seminar zone №2

The founder of the online project "School of Popular Art Op Pop Art" Anastasia Tasting together with co-author of Tatiana Grigorian psychologist present a new book "Big Art of Children: from Baroque to Van Gogh." Vasit love for art is better since childhood, especially when it tells about it in a light and interesting form. And the authors will recommend thematic tasks and entertaining games that will inspire a child for creativity.

Leonid Klein "Useless classic: why the fiction is better than managing textbooks"

18: 00-19: 00, seminar zone №1

The trend on self-development everything is gaining momentum - and this is good, but we are already tired of the books written by entrepreneurs and businessmen. According to the philologist, teacher and radio host Leonid Klein, artistic literature also fully copes with the task of learning to manage the team, talk and convince, apply the right strategy and tactics. He offers to look at his business through the prism of art, watching the character heroes solve problems, and borrowing ideas.

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Library in Smartphone: 9 Class Reading Applications

Sasha Suulim "Independent place: how to catch maniacs in Russia"

19: 00-20: 00, seminar zone №2

In the book of Journalist Sasha Sulim described the history of two maniacs - Angarsk and Tulunsky - and people who investigated crimes. From the mid-1990s in the Siberian city of Angarsk, almost every month found the bodies of killed and raped women, but in search of the one who did it, went over for more than 15 years. Why? Sasha talks about those who put into prison serial criminals, despite the inertia and counteracting the law enforcement system, and because of what the maniacs often do not catch at all in Russia. If it seems to you that these are plots from a movie or some detective novel - no, this also happens in life.

26 March

The performance and discussion of the project against the etching "Not I am not"

12:00, the territory of knowledge

Unfortunately, the Bulling was and remains very relevant to teenage problems. But how does he occur? Is it possible to avoid hurt? How do adults should help children? These questions will be discussed after showing the performance furnished in the technique of Headphone Theater when the text sounds in the headphones - it remains to repeat it out loud. Actors will be adolescents, participants in the project workshops "just not me." The script is very realistic - it is written on the basis of an interview with adults, which in childhood collided with the injury.

Family is a crime scene, which has no case to anyone. How on TV discussed the law on domestic violence

Presentation of the book Anna dye "Let's go to Unlaschka"

16:00, the territory of knowledge

"Let's go to Unlaschka" - a book for mid-school age about a brand boy, who has a mother, dad, grandmother and even a cat, but the grandfather is not. And no one can answer who he was and where disappeared.

Stork with cabbage: 10 books that explains the baby, where children come from

Only through the coincidence of circumstances, Mark organizes his own investigation to find out who his grandfather. Lyudmila Ulitskaya noticed that this is "the first modern children's book of the 21st century - not a fairy tale, not a detective, but a wonderful story of today's boy."

Maxim Ilyaov "Clearly, understandable. How to convey the thoughts and convince people with the help of words "

19: 00-20: 00, seminar zone №1

At a meeting with readers, Maxim Ilyaov will not only present its new book "Clearly, understandable. How to convey the thoughts and convince people with the help of words ", but also will hold a master class on it. You will learn to effectively and effectively express your thoughts, affecting the opinion and actions of other people, learn how to attract the attention of readers, convey to them your point of view and intelligibly reveal even the most difficult topic.

March 27.

Graphic guide to "Eugene Onegin": a new look at the classical literature

13:00, the territory of knowledge

If you or your child can not be imbued with the experiences of Tatiana Larina and understand why Evgeny Onegin is the Encyclopedia of Russian Life, study the graphic guide to the novel, which tells about the life and the nrules of the last century. The realities of that time are becoming closer, because not boring facts are described, and curious details: how much does Onegin costume cost? Why was Tatiana's letter was a violation of etiquette? Did it be expensive in St. Petersburg? And on the discussions of the teacher, journalists and literary critics will discuss how to look at the classics in a new way, so that it is useful to modern adolescents.

Mikhail Zygar "All are free. The story of how in 1996 the elections ended in Russia "

15: 00-16: 00, amphitheater

To write a book about the elections, which were held in 1996, Mikhail Zygar spent more than 120 interviews. Thanks to exclusive details about the latest free elections in Russia, the history of the turning point seems not to collect dry information, but almost an adventurous novel. The author will tell how he worked on him, and answers the readers' questions.

"Why a book, not a series?"

16: 00-17: 00, seminar zone №1

We from school hearing the phrase "go better book read". But can we explain what the book is better to view the cognitive series or the film? Studies show that spending time with a novel, not the screen, we, for example, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. At the lecture, the psychophysiologist, the popularizer of sciences and the invited teacher HSE Polyn Curves will still stop in a scientific look at reading.

TIME OUT TV series

Presentation of the book of Dick Schaaba "Our Creative Brain"

20: 00-21: 00, amphitheater

Neurobiologist Dick Schaab, already familiar to us by the book "We are our brain", this time pays attention to the creative abilities of the brain, its creativity. Thanks to human intelligence, changes in the environment are occurring, but it also affects our development in turn. This is striking by the author of the book, a scientist who was headed by the Netherlands Brain Institute for almost 30 years.

March 28.

Presentation of the collection of plays Dmitry Danilova "Man from Podolsk"

13: 00-14: 00, author's hall

The play "Man from Podolsk" in 2017 was put in the theater.doc, and last year the film came out. The main character who played the leader of the OQJAV group Vadik Korolev, lives in Podolsk, although she dreams about Amsterdam, works in the district newspaper, but I would like to become a musician. This in general, not the most remarkable guy is taken into the police - and there are strange things there, obviously not fit into the situation in the situation.

Presentation of the novel Yevgeny Dollazkin "Justification of the Island"

14: 00-15: 00, amphitheater

"Island's justification" is a pseudo-historical novel, and life, and parable, a kind of historical metaphor. All events happen on the island - he is invented, but the realities seem like such plausible. A few epochs are intertwined in the book - the Middle Ages, the twentieth century and present - in each of which the signs of the device of different states are guessed. As Dollarzkin said: "The story is one of the names of the experience. In the end, only the story remains from life. "

Round table about the Middle Ages

16: 00-17: 00, amphitheater

The authors of the Books about the Middle Ages, the creators of the popular project "Persaying Middle Ages" and media experts will prove that history is interesting if you still doubt it. They will tell about the lives of people and how everyone was arranged for several centuries ago, paying attention to aspects, thanks to which the excursion will become more interesting.

Historical films about knights

Presentation of the children's book of Lada Grocery "Mountains of the World. History of climbing and discoveries "

19:00, the territory of knowledge

The "Mountains of the World" is stories about how people first ended up at the top of the Alps and Himalayas, about the conquest of Everest, about all the dangers and adventures, with whom they have to face, conquering mountains. Lada recalls the inventors and scientists, first guides and climbers who were not afraid to stand there, where the man was never still, leaving for others the path already laid. After all, it is still "Better Mountains can only be the mountains, which have not yet been."

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