Ivanovsky teacher-pedophile Pokrovsky lured schoolchildren in their networks conversations about God

Ivanovsky teacher-pedophile Pokrovsky lured schoolchildren in their networks conversations about God 14902_1
Photo: Pavel Pokrovsky / Twitter

As already reported "Ivanovo news", in December, the court recognized the former deputy director of the school No. 37 of the city of Ivanov Pavlo Pokrovsky guilty for three articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

  • Under paragraph "A" of part 3 of Article 132 ("Muddy, lesbianism or other actions of a sexual nature with violence or with a threat to its use to the victim (victim) or other persons or using the helpless state of the victim (victim) committed against a minor "),
  • Twice - in terms of article 1 of Article 135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Making a depraved action against a person who has not reached the age of 16),
  • Under part 2 of article 151 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Involvement of a minor into the systematic use of alcoholic beverages committed by a teacher").

"Ivanovo news" became known for details of this story. We set out them according to the materials of the criminal case, which was investigated by the first department for the investigation of particularly important cases of the regional SuC - he is engaged in all the crimes of pedophiles in the region.

This story began long before February 2020, when Pokrovsky fell into the SIZO. Anxious "calls" sounded still in the youth of the future owner of the highest public award for the teachers "Order of Children's Hearts".

In 2000, Pokrovsky entered IVGU to Eastfak. The young man wanted to devote himself to the study of historical science. He raved distant expeditions and great discoveries, his passion was archeology. Once a photo with summer practice fell to his mother's eyes. The woman was believer, it was shocked that young archaeologists drink in expeditions, and she insisted that the son was transferred to the correspondence department - in the literal sense from sin away.

Paul began to study in absentia and settled to work out in the school instructor of the Feroral Education. Men work to school rarely, so he turned out to be on the weight of gold. At the end of the university, he grew up to the width, and by 2017 he became the director. Also led by schoolchildren history, social studies and world artistic culture.

At 26, the teacher survived the spiritual crisis. He stated her mother that he wanted to go to the monastery. For the first time, his grandmother was brought to the temple - and he was a chrooped man. Mother turned out to be resolutely against the post. She wanted to have a son with family and children. However, he answered: he is afraid that it will be "born freaks", as stated in the materials of the criminal case. What he meant is not very clear. His mother on the investigation argued that the son had complexes about appearance and overweight. He believed that she did not like the girls. The mother assured Paul that he could meet "with clean girls in the monastery" and choose a wife there. But - not happening.

At one of the lessons, Peter asked the disciples, whether they were baptized, reminded of the importance of faith in life. One of the 11-graders regretted that he was not baptized, and Pokrovsky offered him to be baptized. Even volunteered to become his godfather.

"Subsequently, the young man told us that the teacher consisted of a sexual connection with him until the time of detention, the meeting was held once a month at the teacher at home," the head of the first department for the investigation of particularly important crimes of SU SDR in the Ivanovo region told the Ivanovsky News Correspondent for the Ivanovo Region. . "However, a former schoolboy emphasized that they came into with the teacher after he graduated from school and became adult. In addition to sexual relations, they spent time together for drinking alcohol, the teacher also helped the guy with money. "

In October 2019, Paul wrote a short message to his student in the social network "VKontakte". The 15-year-old schoolboy understood the further dialogue that the teacher was drunk and looking for, who would continue the gatherings. A minor agreed to compile him a company and grabbed a friend. On three teachers bought 6 bottles of beer. They drank, walked a little bit, then the teacher hugged the student and touched him for the buttocks, after which they went home.

Then the teacher apologized for hugged a teenager. Soon between them a trust relationship arose. The student discussed a girl from his school that he liked, the teacher promised him to help win her heart. It was no longer afraid to the student.

The guy also expected to get bonuses for drinking with a teacher on the upcoming exams. In early November 2019, the teacher invited him to his birthday. On November 8, he came to visit the teacher and he treated him to Cognac. The schoolboy was inxicane, it broke in the corridor. Pokrovsky laid him on the sofa. The mother came here, with whom the teacher lived together, and an ugly scene took place. Mother slipped on the vomit masses and gave a son to catch up. She was outraged that a new sofa washed, offered a 36-year-old man to move to a removable apartment (which he could not afford to school wage). The student jumped off the sofa, delirious, cursed by mat. Paul led him to his room and laid himself. Then he is a section of the sleeping young man and began to touch him.

Schoolboy woke up deep at night. He asked the teacher, why there are no clothes on it. He answered that the child was undressed in a drunken state. The teenager called a taxi and went to his girlfriend. He, of course, guessed that at night something happened: the bad rumors had already been in the school at the school, he was kept from the directors in Wesucks - they rumored that it was because of informal relationships with students. Although for sure, of course, no one knew anything.

The teacher and the student were a correspondence, wishing each other good night and good morning. The teacher raped with frank confessions that he was "no one needed": it was probably all written in a drunk.

It is this correspondence with emoticons in the form of kisses saw on the home computer a native uncle of a schoolchild. He is all on video and attributed to the police.

After Pokrovsky was interrogated in the Investigative Committee, he returned home and said his mother, that he was "to die at night."

It is curious that experts did not reveal the disorders of sexual preference in the form of pedophilia, especially, homosexual. Mentally, he was completely healthy.

In a criminal case, only one victim appears. In the incriminated acts, Pokrovsky admitted. By the way, the victim itself tried to hide the fact of communication between him and the teacher, erased the whole correspondence.

The October District Court issued a conviction in a criminal case against the 37-year-old Pavel Pokrovsky on December 29 last year. He was sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 9 years. He will appeal the sentence.

Were other victims of the teacher among schoolchildren? The investigation has developed such a version, but there was no weighty evidence ...

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