Children and teenagers captured their emotions in the photo during Lokdanun

Children and teenagers captured their emotions in the photo during Lokdanun 14901_1

Competition participants told about their works

More than 22 thousand children and adolescents aged 10 to 18 took part in the show and Tell competition. Their creativity will evaluate the famous figures: photographer John Rankin Woddel, better known as Rankin, TV presenter Anna Richardson, Fashion model Daisy Lowe and the leading BBC Radio 5 Live Mother Artanyak.

Before taking applications of the contestants asked for one question: "What do you feel?" Young people tried to express their emotions through self portraits, with the help of models, things, nature, and so on.

The 15 best works selected jury are demonstrated on the online exhibition from February 15. The authors signed their photos: "Abandoned", "sadness", "Hope", "trapped", "fear", "half-empty", "How I feel really", "in isolation", "lonely", " Without work, "" in a mask "," Escape to your own world "and so on.

One of the participants of the competition, 16-year-old Liana, spoke about his work: "I found that I had a full mess in my head. The pandemic continued, and the mental health of adolescents deteriorated - the confidence in themselves fell, panic and anxiety grew. Someone worries about the future, someone does not see the future for himself, to someone to do. We are all suffering, anyway. Just everything led to this, and we can not do anything. " Liana called "suffering".

The 10-year-old Ann provided the jury a black and white shot "boring". "People say that the life is short, but this is the longest event, whose witness we are. During Lokdaun, the time was stretched, the seconds seem to minutes, and the clock minutes, and the hours of days. The future seems to me so far, and I just do not see him. All I see is the present moment. "

The 15-year-old Bradley captured seagulls to work under the name "Freedom". "Remembering what a free life was," he signed a snapshot.

The organizers of the competition stressed that every work is important for them. Whatever it is - more or less professional, creative or simple, it reflects the emotion of the child. Photographer Rankin noted that the project "Specifies the right question in the right time to the right people."

Children and teenagers captured their emotions in the photo during Lokdanun 14901_2

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