Cove of Internal Tourism Dividends


In 2020, Russian domestic tourism was in a unique situation: he practically disappeared foreign competitors.

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Although in 2020, many Russian citizens refused to travel at all, although there were restrictions on airfares and fell the total solvency of the population, traveling along the internal routes was still rising.

As many experts predicted, first all the branded directions, the most famous and infrastructure: the hotel foundation, vehicles, etc.

According to the executive director of Russiaadiscovery Julia Grigorieva, these territories have such territories as Altai, Baikal, Karelia, Sakhalin and Kuril Islands, the Caucasus. For example: On Altai through Russiaadiscovery in 2020, tourists went more by 72% than in 2019, and the increase in the tourist flow on Sakhalin was 140%. A certain negative role in a number of regions played a restrictive regime established by local authorities. It so happened in Kamchatka, which, although it is certainly a branded region, received a relatively small increase - only about 20%.

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Some other data from the company "Customer" based on information about the air tickets sold. According to the founder of the company Sergei Pirogikov, the most popular resort directions in the summer of 2020 became the following:

1. Sochi

2. Simferopol

3. Krasnodar

4. Makhachkala

5. Anapa

6. Kaliningrad

7. Gelendzhik

Under the total data, the resorts of Sochi and the Crimea have become twice a more popular direction of flights than other cities of Russia - except Moscow and St. Petersburg.

At the same time, an expert in the field of Internet marketing Valery Clemeneva notes that the growth of interest in internal tourism happened not in 2020. Advertising campaign Sochi, later - the closure of Egypt and Turkey in 2015 - all this affected the inner tourism only positively.

If such cities like Sochi are the first echelon routes, then there is a second echelon next to them. According to Valeria Clementeva, "Second Breathing" opened for tourism in the Golden Ring, small towns near Moscow in Kostroma, Vologda regions. Interest rose to Karelia, Valdai and other points of ecotourism, which were not so obvious earlier.

If you look at the state of internal tourism in the context of non-geographical directions, and types of hotels, then, according to the director of the Pension "Post of Russia", an expert in the field of hospitality Andrei Rodionova, the rating of leaders is as follows:

  1. The ski direction (in the resorts "Roses Khutor" reached the limit value in the tank; the resort of Arkhyza went to the design capacity) - the guest flow of the direction grew by 25%.
  2. Sanatoriums - an increase of 12-15%, held back only by the absence of high-quality places; In the leaders - the region of KMV and the Krasnodar Territory.
  3. Resort hotels and coast houses - growth to 10%, such a modest increase is justified by a 2020 year-old season, in high season and peak growth was 15-20% depending on the quality of the object.
  4. Country hotels fix a minor revenue reduction - up to 5%, mainly due to restrictions on events.
  5. City hotels show a drop in income by 30%, very few people could finish the fiscal year in the positive zone.
  6. Well, the leaders of anti-tracking - MICE-hotels focused on the provision of services for the organization and maintenance of conferences and business events.

At the same time, the total tourist frequency in the peak period, according to the "Customer", in Russia did not exceed the meaning of the year - although against the background of other countries of the world, Russia looked very nice.

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According to Sergey Pupmy, Russia on the restoration of the internal tourist vehicle in the peak period ranked second in the world (87% of the 2019 values), giving only China (110%).

What to wait in 2021?

According to the President of the Association for the Protection of the Rights and interests of the owners of Timescher products and participants of the Timescher-Industry "Rustaym" Oleg Rady, the demand for flights in Russia continues to recover, and this is rather a positive trend. In the upcoming summer season, you can expect an increase in internal tourism by 15-20%. According to the estimates of air carriers, most of all flights are scheduled for the directions of Moscow - Sochi and Moscow - Simferopol. Also in popular destinations include Krasnodar, mineral waters and Kaliningrad.

Sergey Piroders ("Customer") also predicts that in 2021, most likely, the increased demand for Russian internal routes will remain. In recent months, Russians have become more interested in internal resorts, visit the Northern and Siberian regions.

Locking effect has had a positive impact on the infrastructure of the resorts: according to estimates of various specialists, she received an additional impetus to development. Even now, when assessing early booking statistics, it is noticeable that at the moment (February-March) travelers acquire tickets to Russian cities for a warm season in large quantities than it was in 2019 and 2020. The most popular directions at the end of May and summer are now: Crimea, Gornaletsk, Krasnodar Territory, Petersburg, Kaliningrad and Kazan. It is important that the average check for Russian directions for the summer of 2021 has significantly decreased regarding the indicators of the past two years. It also stimulates traveler's popularity of routes.

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Andrei Rodinov believes that this year resort hotels will benefit most of all - the depth of the reservation has already increased, the applications have grown on the traditionally weak months (May, June, October). As a result, the price of 10-15% increased on the peak months (July-August), and the growth will continue as demand increases. Unlike last year, this year, most likely, the city segment will most likely recover, due to the fact that the state decided to resume large-scale business events, but the restoration, unfortunately, will be only partial.

Nevertheless, Andrei Rodionov is forced to assume: restoring tourist flows for city hotels, especially MICE-hotels, it will never happen to the level of 2019 due to the changed consumption model.

Of course, much will depend on the course of the international struggle with Coronavirus, but the exit tourism will not be able to recover overnight - a significant part of the citizens of our country in any case will prefer the internal directions. If restrictive measures between countries are not fully discontinued in the coming months - and this is most likely not happening, - internal tourism will receive another year for active development and increasing infrastructure and service.

Popular destinations and medium checks for flights

Posted by: Konstantin Frumkin

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