How to learn to trust people after betrayal


Trust is the basis of all significant relationships. But when trust betrayed, then they rupts this basis. We give rise to a fear to someone to trust and again experience a feeling of pain that can come if it will trust will be undermined. And the closer the person to the heart, the stronger the pain from his betrayal.

You can again trust. But the trust will be your solution that will need to take on your own. And at the same time, again, there is no guarantee. To once learn to trust people after betrayal, you will have to weaken vigilance. It is not easy, but maybe.

What to pay attention to learn to trust people again

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Build protective walls - not good and not bad. But protective walls behind which you can hide your vulnerability, do not divide positive and negative emotions. Walls can be guaranteed freedom from new betrayal. But also you will burn away from love and communication. Talk to people you can really trust. So you will again feel that there is a trust in life.

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Learn to trust your opinion. The fact that you trusted someone, but the person betrayed you and caused pain, does not mean that you were somewhere blind or misconcepted the decision to trust him. Based on one or even several adverse experiments, you do not need to doubt all people or in your own solutions.

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In your life, undoubtedly, there is a lot of good. So you made excellent elections many times who brought excellent results. Look how many familiar people have. Most likely, most of them justified your trust, and, it means that you trusted it without in vain.

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It's complicated. But you fulfilled your obligations. You are not responsible for the betrayal of another person. Yes, your best motives neglected. Let it be like that it was necessary.

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The process of grief needs to be survived. Let with tears, anger, despair, but this emotion needs to be missed through itself. In the sorrow there are usually five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and adoption. And they will have to go. And only you decide how much time it will take.

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The role of the victim is very cunning. It is worth starting to feel so, as no longer wants to say goodbye to her. In order not to take the role of the victim, you need to consider the situation on both sides, and not to blame only a person who has given you. Perhaps somewhere you weakened the grip or were too open, which gave rise to betrayal. Weigh all options.

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If you betrayed someone, you do not need to reduce your expectations. Do not inspire in advance deception or infidelity from the new person. Any new friend can designate its borders of trust and betrayal. Let him know that you do not tolerate their violations. So your friend will understand the limits of permissible, and you will know that your confidence conditions are clear.

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Think about what life will be without trust. It will not be a place of calm, communication and love. Perhaps the best reason to start trusting people again is this alternative.

Without difficulties, we could never appreciate good times. Therefore, it is best to stay open and trust even after betrayed. Just be a little calmer in trust. It is better to learn to trust the new person gradually.

Publication of the site-primary source Amelia.

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