Tim Cook: This year the iPhone is waiting for a lot of interesting things.


The most boring of all the events held by Apple is the annual meeting of shareholders, where the company's shares holders easily easily disseminate it in the fluff and dust (voting on the principle of "one share - one voice"), took place this week. Nothing particularly interesting for you with us was not there. If it were not for the performance of Tim Cook, about the collection of shareholders of Apple could not be remembered. On such events, neither new iron, nor software, nor even changes in the policy of the company - but Tim's speeches still plunged many in shock. After all, he shared something very interesting.

Tim Cook: This year the iPhone is waiting for a lot of interesting things. 14868_1
And this guy can catch up with intrigue

Naturally, Apple and her leadership "confidently look into the future" and "see unprecedented opportunities in the coming year." Even if 2020 had developed for Apple unsuccessfully, it turned out to be failed and unprofitable, and the company's prospects were terrifying, the head of the company could not not say something in this spirit. The statement "The World in 2020 has changed" - no more than statement is obvious. But about the continuation of this phrase, you can't say so: "But Apple remains the same as always." In fact, Apple is changing, but not because of COVID or because of the global antitrust exacerbation, but Tim meant another. Apple, as before, creates unique things. And 2020, despite the pandemic and remote, was almost the most fruitful year of the decade. The transition to Apple Silicon is perhaps more accurate than the first iPad. And it seems, 2021 will be more cooler.

Listing the main novelties of the past year, at first Tim put the "first 5G iPhone" - contrary to everything and in spite of everything, the iPhone 12 came out. And became the most sold smartphones with 5G on the market. Is impressive? Apple Silicon and the first Mac's with Apple Silicon inside is another main novelty, I would even call her historical - but Tim Cook seems to be at the second place. Mac'am New Nature is only to conquer the world. The most successful innovations of the second plan are Airpods Max and HomePod Mini. And Apple Watch has grown and continues the potential. " About the iPad Air Fourth Generation Tim, for some reason, said nothing. And all this in unusual and uncomfortable conditions for Apple. Well done.

The record holiday quarter is perceived on this background as something of granted - but Tim talked about him. For shareholders, this is more important.

And for us with you?

When iPhone 13 will come out

Tim Cook: This year the iPhone is waiting for a lot of interesting things. 14868_2
One of the concepts iPhone 13

Apple Chapter said that 2021 will become an important year for the iPhone, and that the company prepares "something completely new." It is difficult to say what Cook spoke about, but there are not many options: either we are talking about iPhone 13 (iPhone 12S) or about glasses augmented reality, which is unlikely.

Is Apple preparing another major update of the iPhone? Judging by rumors, it is quite likely. There will be a fingerprint scanner on the screen or the power button, and a more powerful camera (where even better?), 120 Hz Display, a small check and a lot more.

Apple is not monopoly

Tim has repeatedly said that close attention to gigantic companies needed. But with the fact that Apple is considered a monopoly, and because of this, they are trying to limit it into something and put pressure on it, it categorically disagrees. None of the market segments in which Apple works is not a monopolist. In all these segments, the most severe competition. This unfair accusation is easily refuted - but the fact that he has to refute and again - terrible. This affects the company's reputation and distracts the resources that you can spend on something more interesting.

See also: Tim Cook told how many companies buy Apple

Apps stores (especially the iOS App Store) is one of the most important factors that led the company to success. The Rules of the App Store are changing, but not in order to make their pleasant critics - and to increase their attractiveness for developers (this is about the App Store program for small businesses).

Tim Cook: This year the iPhone is waiting for a lot of interesting things. 14868_3
Tim Cook rejects all the accusations of Apple in monopolies and promises "many cool launches" in 2021

The most important achievement of last year, according to Tim, was not some new product of the company, but the fact that the company managed to adapt to the remote mode of operation and fulfill everything that was planned. It was very difficult. Over the decades, Apple developed a unique style of interaction between employees, he was brought to perfection - last year it had to be abandoned, in the conditions of removal, it was possible to work as usual. But the company constantly looking for solutions to those arising problems. As if the remote mode was another Apple product, creatively and thoroughly. The result is obvious. 2020 was, to put it mildly, far from the worst in the latest Apple history.

Apple plans for 2021

Shareholders are the most important profitability of Apple, the quotations of its shares and the size of dividends. In 2021, it seems they will get their own. And for us it is more important that Tim Cook called "the enormous potential of Apple." It remains only to embody it into real projects.

Here in the first place - new Mac on M1. The transition of Macs on chips of their own development is only beginning, what is preparing for the exit will not disappoint - and in general, 2021 will be historical for Mac. The iPhone of this year also plays an important role in Apple's plans, like iPad, Apple Watch, wireless headphones and more. Something else, what is it too early to talk about?

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