In the Donbass, the Ukrainian military interrupted the Offensive of the Armed Forces, hitting the "boiler" of the DPR and LNR


It should be noted that the original source edition led the words allegedly familiar with the situation on the distinction line in the Donbass employee of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

According to a number of media, VSU, not having time to start an attack on the self-proclaimed republics of Donbass, have already come to the "boiler", and therefore the command was forced to stop the offensive. Publishing such material, journalists refer to their source in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. According to him, the Offensive of the Armed Forces, which, by the way, has repeatedly announced the media on March 15 and was repeatedly rejected by officials in Kiev, it was postponed due to the fact that part of the troops ready for the onset suddenly turned out to be heated by the divisions of the People's Militia of the LNR and DPR.

In the Donbass, the Ukrainian military interrupted the Offensive of the Armed Forces, hitting the

Even if we assume that it is so, then there are a lot of questions about the work of Ukrainian intelligence. It should be noted that the original source edition led the words allegedly familiar with the situation on the distinction line in the Donbass employee of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. It makes no sense to bring the whole quote, since there is nothing concrete in it, except for the known facts about the constant violation of the truce, as well as accusations of this armed forces of LDNR and Russia. Of course, it is impossible to demand from the editors to disclose its sources, but in the case when it comes to completely specific statements, then information is enough without geographic binding to the area. Where and when the command of the Armed Forces found the risk of troops in the environment and "boilers" in publication is not reported.

In the Donbass, the Ukrainian military interrupted the Offensive of the Armed Forces, hitting the

As a result, it remains only to conclude that the "news" about the "boiler" is another synthesis and speculation against the background of the exacerbation of the situation in the Donbas. We particularly note that the original source has repeatedly truncated in the publication of unconfirmed information. For example, on March 13, journalists announced the defeat of the positions of the Armed Forces in the Katerinovsky district. At the same time, an assumption was put forward to the use of NM LNP "Unknown Rocket Complex". Of course, the confirmation information did not receive, but it was quite possible to form a mistaken opinion about the violation of the defenders of the Donbass Minsk agreements from readers. Recall that against the background of the exacerbation of the situation in the East of Ukraine, all sorts of information stages and frankly provocative publications have become particularly frequent.

Earlier, the head of the DNR Denis Pushilin reported that in the near future half a million residents of the Donbass will receive citizenship of the Russian Federation.

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