Tred: Collection of strange abstracts in advertising and marketing


"Young people have a better memory than the elderly" and other shocking revelations.

Director of Marketing and Brand Strategy in Reach Andrew Tomer in Twitter collected "Collection of marketing and advertising garbage (Bullshit)". The list turned out to be revelations of zoomes and nirvana from the consulting company ACCENTURE, the selection criteria in the marketing department of L'Oreal and the other.

"Let's start with one of my favorite cases ... Accenture (consulting company - VC.RU) defined the steps necessary to achieve a" transcendental state called "Nirvana Brand", "writes tenzer.

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With the help of various studies, we defined the eight steps necessary to achieve a more sensitive, close to the transcendent state, which we called "Nirvana Brand".

Vice-President on marketing and attracting clients in Choice Hotels International Brent Bouldin (BRENT Bould) believes that the duration of advertising must be cut - so that it worked before being started.

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They (famous brands - should think about what makes them advertising, even before she starts broadcast. "You must focus on branding from a zero second," he said.

Kraft agency decided not to advertise (advertising), but actvertising (ACT - act).

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Kraft Heinz uses the power of "promotional actions". Kraft Heinz uses the strength "actvertising" to reinforce its messages with real actions that will help build a brand in meaningful ways.

Business needs to be stopped selling goods and services, because people want so much, itchs the marketer.

Tester criticizes L'Oreal. According to him, the company so conquered the work of influencers that it makes them honorary members of the marketing department.

"Ultimatum zoomers: business cannot be made profit without a positive effect on society."

"When the top manager of the advertising agency praised the FB for transparency," the tenzer wrote with a hint of the closure of the social network.

"Shocking revelation: young people have a better memory than the elderly," so Tester commented on the "New Global Research", according to which the zoomers better remember the considered advertising than the X generation.

The next revelation from Spotify: the service revealed the "revolutionary" idea that young people consider the eldest "retired from life."

The marketer graduated from a "precious stone" of his collection: "The EDELMAN agency reported that people want brands to keep them back to the fight against Coronavirus."

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