The EU is preparing to launch the "Coke Passport": the graft will be able to move freely through the borders


The project requested by EL PAIS provides that the certificate can be used to enable entry into the territory of those who have been introduced by any of the vaccines permitted by the European Medicine Agency (EMA). Partially this concerns the Russian Vaccine "Satellite V" and the Chinese Vero. Both are already used in Belarus,

The EU is preparing to launch the

The fact that the European Vaccination Certificate will be created (grafting passport), it became known after the EU Summit at the end of February.

European vaccination passport, known as "Green Digital Certificate", will not necessarily be green or exclusively digital. Article 3 of the provisions states that Member States may also issue it on paper. In any format, it must have a bar code, "allowing you to verify the authenticity, reality and integrity of the certificate."

The passport will collect three types of references: about vaccination, the results of analyzes or test on COVID-19.

While it comes to the fact that this certificate will be a health passport that will allow vaccinated people to move around the EU without restrictions. The regulation states that the participating countries will have to issue a certificate to all persons vaccinated by any of the antigens authorized by the European Medicine Agency - Biontech / Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen.

The certificate will also be issued to individuals, vaccinated vaccines permitted at the national level, such as the Russian "satellite V" and the Chinese "Sinofarm" (in Hungary or Slovakia). But the recognition of such vaccines will be optional for each member state.

In all cases, the certificate must contain important data on the vaccinated person and the product used; All information should be in the official languages ​​of the country of departure and in English. Of the 20 initially provided data within the project, 11 mains are established. In particular, the name and surname of the vaccinated, his birth date and the disease from which it was vaccinated. The product should be indicated by the type of vaccine, its brand, a company authorized on its production or sales, as well as the amount of doses required. Finally, the certificate should indicate the date and place of vaccination, as well as the identification data of the issuer.

Brussels expects 400 million doses by the end of June, which will make it possible to vaccinate 200 million people, or 54% of the adult population of Europe.

All for the sake of tourism

The purpose of such an acceleration is summer and saving the tourist season. Greece, Croatia, Spain persistently require project implementation.

At the same time, Greece, since May 14, will remove restrictions on the entry for Russian tourists if they are vaccinated by the Russian vaccine (or any other coronavirus vaccine), will be able to show a certificate of antibodies to COVID-19 or a certificate with a negative PCR test on Coronavirus, made no later than 72 hours before departure. Tourists will be able to move freely inside the country without quarantine upon arrival. At the same time, it is not yet specified, which document the Russians will have to confirm vaccination from coronavirus.

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