How to calculate Square


In childhood, we calculated the square except in the lessons of mathematics. In an adult life with such a necessity, we are faced when we make repairs, we plan to place the furniture alignment or we accept the apartment from the developer.

"Take and do" shows how to properly calculate the area of ​​common geometric shapes: a rectangle, square, circle, triangle and trapezium.

How to calculate the area of ​​the rectangle

To calculate the area of ​​the rectangle, you need to multiply the length of the figure on the width. Suppose we measure the area of ​​the room. It is 6 m long, and in width - 3 m. I multiply 6 to 3 and get the room area - 18 square meters. m.

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How to calculate square square

Square area is calculated in a similar way: its length is multiplied by the width. But, as we know, the parties of this figure are equal to each other. Therefore, the formula comes down to the construction of one of the parties to the square.

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How to calculate the area of ​​the circle

A little harder to calculate the area of ​​the circle. To do this, you need to know its radius, which is equal to half the diameter. The diameter itself is a segment that connects 2 points on the circle and passes through its center. To calculate the area, measure the diameter and divide the result obtained by 2. ✅ The circle area formula looks like this: we take the number of Pi (it is approximately 3.14) and multiply on the radius in the square. It remains to remember that the result of the calculations will not be absolutely accurate, since the number Pi has an approximate value. Suppose we calculate the area of ​​the decorative ceiling outlet under the chandelier. First measure its diameter. Let it be equal to 0.46 m. ​​We divide it to 2 and get the value of the radius of 0.23 m. We will be erected into a square: 0.23 * 0.23 = 0.0529. Then multiply by the number Pi: ​​3.14 * 0.0529 = 0.1661. Consequently, the outlet area is 0.1661 square meters. m.

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How to calculate the area of ​​the right triangle

Calculate the area of ​​the correct or equilateral triangle - the task is even more complicated. ✅ The formula looks like this: the square root of 3 is divided into 4 and multiply by the length of one of the sides in the square. We simplify the first part: the square root of 3 is approximately 1.732. We divide the result by 4, we get about 0.433. This figure is the constant part of the formula. Now we take the length of one of the sides (let it be equal to 20 cm), we will be erected into a square and multiply by 0.433. We get the area - 173.2 square meters. cm.

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How to calculate the area of ​​the rectangular triangle

With a rectangular triangle, everything is easier: Multiply 1/2 on the work of its cathets (parties adjacent to direct corner). For example, if the side side of the triangle is 6 cm, and the lower is 4 cm, then its area we calculate this: 1/2 (6 * 4) = 12 kV. cm.

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How to calculate the square of the trapez

To find the area of ​​the trapezium, divide its height into 2 and multiply the amount of the sides. For example, if the height of the trapezium is 4 cm, the upper side is 3 cm, and the lower is 6 cm, then according to the formula: H / 2 (B1 + B2) the calculations of the area of ​​the figure look like this: 4/2 (3 + 6) = 2 * 9 = 18.

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