The Chamber of Representatives of the United States called on Vice President Mike Pensa to remove from power Donald Trump

The Chamber of Representatives of the United States called on Vice President Mike Pensa to remove from power Donald Trump 14829_1

The US Chamber of Representatives adopted a resolution in which Congressmen call on Vice President Mike Pensa to take advantage of the 25th amendment to the US Constitution to remove Donald Trump from power.

According to Interfax, according to the results of the voting, the resolution was supported by 223 legislators, against spoke 205. There are one republican in votes "for".

It is expected that if Pens does not do this, members of the House of Representatives will turn to the next point of their plan against Trump: they will consider the issue of the impeachment to the US President.

The 25th amendment allows the beginning of the process of removing the head of the state, if the vice-president and most of the high-ranking officers of the administration come to the conclusion that the president is not able to perform its functions. In this case, the vice-president occupies the presidency. The amendment describes in detail the mechanism of how this can be achieved.

Pence and the Cabinet will have 24 hours to solve. It is expected that the vice-president will not support this initiative and then the House of Representatives will hold a vote on the adoption by the President of Trump. It can take place in the evening on Wednesday.

At the same time, it was reported, Pens in his letter to the Speaker of the Chamber of Representatives of the US Congress Nancy Pelosi said it would not use the 25th amendment in order to remove the US President Donald Trump from office.

"I do not think that such a course of action is responsible for the interests of our nation or consistent with our constitution," Penns wrote.

"Last week I did not give up a pressure leaving behind my constitutional powers to determine the outcome of the elections, and now I will not refuse the efforts of the House of Representatives to play political games in such a serious time in our nation's life," he added.

In his opinion, reference to the 25th amendment "Thus, creating a terrible precedent."

He called on Pelosi and all members of the Congress "to reduce the temperature and combine our country, since we are preparing for the inauguration of the elected President Joe Bayden."

In addition, the vice-president promised to work in good faith "to ensure an orderly transfer of power."

Democrats are trying to remove the Trump from power, without waiting for the inauguration of his successor Joe Bayden on January 20. In their opinion, Trump cannot stay in the White House, as it is responsible for the recent unrest in Washington, during which a group of supporters of the current president broke into the Congress building.

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