Excellent four

Excellent four 14825_1

In mid-March, the Mineral Soles of the Balakovsky branch of Apatite JSC (PhosAgro Group) produced an anniversary ton of monocalcium phosphate: total from the beginning of production, the division released 4 million tons of product.

4 million tons for almost 20 years! Yes, since the start of the production of this product, almost two decades have passed. The history of the division in this form began in 2002, when construction and installation works were completed in the branch of the stern monocalcium phosphate (CMCF) of the fluoride salts - CFS. That was how the mineral salts (CMS) were called. He received his modern title in 2003, and in 2004 he was headed by Konstantin Milovidov.

"I wonderfully remember the time of starting the production of KMKF," Konstantin Yuryevich shared. - I was then a technologist and in May 2002 did not go to the demonstration, because it was necessary to take samples of the first product. After the analyzes conducted, I called the director, then I was Yuri Petrovich Shaposhnik, and reported on success. It can be said that the production of feed phosphates has become one of the decisive directions for the development of the enterprise.

But the river history of the division could flow for another river. Konstantin Milovidov recalled that the first CMA system was built on the basis of Minto joint venture - the Russian-Swiss joint production of sodium siliced ​​sodium, polyphosphoric acid and liquid complex fertilizers, which existed on the territory of the plant in the early 90s of the last century. Then there were plans to develop cooperation, starting the production of tripolyphosphate, which is widely used as a component for the production of synthetic detergents, water purification, as well as in ceramic, paint and other industries. But she struck the crisis, the company eventually was recognized as bankrupt. However, part of the equipment has already been purchased, for example, a drum granulator. Therefore, when the plant entered the "PhosAgro", it was decided to use it. Only not for the production of tripolyphosphate, but for the release of KMKF. Apparently, market circumstances played a role. It turned out that the leaders of the young company did not lose: and then, and now our company is the only manufacturer of this type of product needed for animal husbandry.

- In 2008, the second CMA system was launched, "continued Konstantin Milovidov. - A new, modern division appeared. There was a need for international certification to bring the product to the world arena. One of the key areas of this work was the preparation for the introduction of an international GMP + certificate. He was held from 8 to 12 December 2008 without comments. The company received a certificate, becoming the first in Russia with its owner.

Compliance with the production of KMKF GMP + company company confirms annually. Konstantin Milovidov believes this indicator of the stability of the division, and the release of 4 million tons is a large event. This is the merit of the entire team. The frontiers of the production recently invited to the assembly hall of the enterprise, given letters of thanks, organized a small concert for them. Recall, last month, another enterprise unit was distinguished in the same way: the workshop of phosphate fertilizers (CFCs) has released 35 million tons from the moment of production in the mid-70s of the last century. This achievement, like the staff of the CMS, the CFU team dedicated to the anniversary of the company "FozAgro", which this year marks 20 years. This is not the last similar gift, the following in the queue - sulfuric acid production (SCP), which in April plans to release 50 million tons of acid from the beginning of production.

Our certificate

Feed monocalcium phosphate for livestock and birds compared, for example, with bone flour is a guarantee of non-proliferation of epidemics among animals. After all, the reason for their often becoming organic feeding. KMKF is made from pure phosphate raw materials and fully complies with the requirements of Russian and European standards, so safe for animals and birds, while gives a tangible effect.

Daily use of monocalcium phosphate in animal feeding contributes:

- increase productivity;

- reduction of fattening period;

- getting healthy offspring;

- preservation of young and rickets;

- improving the nutritional value of meat, milk;

- Reducing feed consumption.

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