Pashinyan in the Ararat region discussed current and upcoming programs

Pashinyan in the Ararat region discussed current and upcoming programs 14823_1

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited the Ararat region to discuss current and upcoming programs. According to the press service of the Government's head, the Minister of Territorial Department and Infrastructures Suren Papikyan, Head of Prime Minister Arsen Torosyan, Head of the Ararat Teponian Prime Minister, Governor of the Ararat Teponian, Deputy Governors, Heads of the regional units of the Prosecutor's Office, Investigative Committee, police, police , Armed Forces and other officials.

The Prime Minister noted that such working meetings and discussions will be held in all ministries, departments and regional administrations to summarize the work carried out and assess the upcoming projects.

"Of course, the Ararat region is, first of all, the environment of agricultural activities, and in the near future we must conduct agricultural preparatory work, today we will discuss this topic. Of course, our agenda has issues related to the development of a business environment, socio-economic, legal issues and security issues, and we will discuss all these issues, we will give appropriate instructions and summarize the current results. We also appreciate what our priority and priority problems that we need to decide, "said Nikol Pashinyan.

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The governor and vice-governors of Ararat touched the results last year, noting that due to the coronavirus pandemic and war, agricultural production decreased somewhat, however, for example, grapes and vegetable production increased. It was noted that the number of agricultural land in the region is 156 thousand hectares, including pastures. The number of sowing lands reaches 42 thousand hectares.

In this context, the Prime Minister stressed the importance of consecutive steps to increase arable land, noting that the Government will continue to take steps to develop agriculture through various subsidizing activities and programs. Nikol Pashinyan stressed the need to improve the effectiveness of implemented programs for the creation of modern gardens, greenhouse farms and farms and instructed responsible persons to evaluate through the monitoring of the problem and suggest decisions. The head of government noted that the state will continue to take steps to ensure the most favorable conditions for the implementation of investment programs, as necessary to make specific legislative changes, as well as significant changes in the program.

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It was noted that in 2020, 73 subventional programs were implemented in 2.5 billion drams, of which the state co-financed 1.3 billion drams. Sequential monitoring has been implemented to ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of all programs. During the first month of 2021, 5 applications for subventional programs have already been received from the Ararat region.

During the discussion, issues related to the preparation for spring agricultural issues, problems in construction, education and other areas and the possibility of solving them were discussed.

The representative of the Armed Forces reported that the operational situation on the border in the Ararat region is calm and is under full control of the Armenian forces. The leaders of the regional units of the Prosecutor's Office, the Investigative Committee and the police made reports by presenting the progress of legal entity.

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After the meeting, Prime Minister Pashinyan walked along Artashat, talked with citizens, got acquainted with their problems and answered various questions.

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