20 people told that it is necessary to find out about the chosen one before the wedding. And then later it will be


Some of us come into new relationships easily and quickly, while others, before putting on a finger, the wedding ring holds a real interview. They find out how much the second half earns, whether she has debts, where a new family will live and how many children will appear in it. And they are also discussing issues of vacation, relations to relatives and other things that allow you to make sure that both in a pair are on the same wave.

We in the adme.ru carefully read the arguments of people who wanted to avoid misunderstanding after the conclusion of the Family Union. And, you know, with many, the sin does not agree.

  • My friend told about a woman who right on the first date during a romantic dinner asked him to fill in the test disclosing character traits. I laughed, and he said: "Hey, both of us 55, and none of us wanted to spend time on meaningless relationships. It is better to know earlier than later. " © Hoocoodanode / Reddit
  • I was 28, he was 24. I immediately said that I plan to create a family in a couple of years in a couple of years and have children. I was not afraid to scare the guy, but I just wanted to take a person who thinks: "The head of children is not earlier than I will be 40" or "Oh, children ... never thought about it." We met at a normal pace: went on dates about a year, gathered, in a couple of years we bought a house and got married. When the first child was born, our relationship was already 3.5 years old. © PineAppleShampoo / Reddit
  • I will not spend my time and the energy on dates with a person with whom we are not on the same wave. It does not hurt and meet in advance with his parents and understand whether the future mother-in-law is satisfied. © NearlyRadiant / Reddit
  • It seems to me that the problem is that many are so afraid to stay alone for life, which agreed with everything that another person says. They can even convince themselves that they want children, dream of moving to Thailand or in a deaf village. All this will be as follows 5 or 20 years later. You will feel unhappy, and there is already not far to the break of relationships. © zoobrix / Reddit
  • My parents constantly quarreled because of money. Now they devoted safely, managed to keep friendly relations and talk, as if nothing had happened. I would not like to repeat their mistake. I believe that both partners should work: if something happens with one, then the source of income will remain in the family. And I am also important to plan the budget and talk about savings. © Estoycansada / Reddit

20 people told that it is necessary to find out about the chosen one before the wedding. And then later it will be 14822_1
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  • People can swear because of anything. Just take a look at my parents: they argued how to close the blinds and how to hang a roll with toilet paper. Now they themselves agree that some things about the partner are better to find out to marriage. © juyfdsa / reddit
  • Even your unhealthy can be a reason for parting. My wife, 9 months after the wedding, unexpectedly decided that he could not live with a man who did not run with her in the morning. © Sleepysalamanders / Reddit
  • Agree that over the years one of you can become unattractive due to illness or excess weight. © JohnCandyspolkaband / Reddit
  • Be sure to decide how you communicate with friends. Your marriage can collapse due to disagreement in this matter. © jcm1970 / reddit
  • My friend told his bride something like: "When you get away from work and you will sit with children ..." - and saw horror on her face. I know that she wants babies, but it's not ready to be a housewife (she is a lawyer and earns twice as much as his groom). In any case, it was clear that they did not even discuss this issue before the wedding. © LUKS89 / Reddit

20 people told that it is necessary to find out about the chosen one before the wedding. And then later it will be 14822_2
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  • Some people really think that after the wedding, their partner will change magical way. I know a guy who loves the car very much. He met with a girl about a year and all the time told her about his old car. After about a year later, the young lady asked when this rhylad will finally be treated and sold. The guy rolled his eyes and said that she had been going on this wheelbarrow for more than 15 years and would never give it to other people's hands. As a result, their relationship collapsed after words: "You love the car more than me." © Somedude456 / Reddit
  • As a psychologist working with couples, I agree to 1 000%. Marriage does not compromise on serious issues. Someone will definitely donate by their desires. Therefore, I am always for insurance I recommend going to a wedding for a pair session of psychotherapy. He either strengthens your relationship, or will emphasize the problem and will show why you do not get enough together. © Psychart5150 / Reddit
  • Here is an incomplete list of questions that we with my girlfriend would like to discuss with each other before you enrave: Finance, savings, joint or separate bank accounts, holiday habits, gifts, investments, retirement, debts, wedding ( Cost, preferences), pets, children and their upbringing, career (work hours, family time), accommodation, housework and cleaning, household rules, diet and health. © PuddleOffat / Reddit
  • And for the sake of all saint, make sure that you can agree, in which mode your heater or air conditioning will work. © JohnnySeattle / Reddit
  • I finally managed to find a person who shares my love for low temperatures. I can not fall asleep in a stuff - I need fresh air and a couple of warm blankets. If I get hot, I just pull out one leg. © WinterGlory / Reddit

20 people told that it is necessary to find out about the chosen one before the wedding. And then later it will be 14822_3
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  • I think you should always consider what people are often trying to show themselves from the best side. No one admits that it would not allow $ 5 thousand from the family budget to save your sick brother from financial problems. © Deleted / Reddit
  • Planning is great, but the situation at any time can change. Take me at least: I did not want to have children until my girl accidentally become pregnant. Now my daughter is the love of my life, I can not imagine what I would do without it. Fortunately, we managed to accumulate enough money to raise the baby. © Hautran / Reddit
  • It seems to me that in any case it is not worth a breaking head to run into the registry office. Yes, you both want 2 children and a honeymoon in France. But this does not mean that you will have the same opinion on how to raise sons and daughters who will clean the house or who will have to postpone money for a romantic trip to Paris. Before marriage, people need to live together at least a year, if not more. © AK40-Couchcusion / Reddit
  • Try to discuss even unlikely things like getting a huge inheritance or large winning lottery. It may be that you want to sacrifice some of the money for charity, and the rest competently invest, and your second half will demand to distribute all the money to relatives. © Musashi10000 / Reddit
  • We even discussed how our possible divorce will look like. Some think that the marriage is once and for all, but life is quite unpredictable thing. Therefore, it is better to speak even the most unpleasant moments in advance. © Mogwife / Reddit

Interestingly, if you were now offered to marry, whatever questions do you ask your future spouse? Or a dry calculation only ruins the relationship?

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