Famous actors who stopped shooting in the cinema due to scandals


CULTURE "CENSELLING", when the man because of some scandal is trying to just forget, just flourish in our eyes, and not somewhere, but in the focus of liberalism. We are talking about a new ethics in Hollywood, when the world-famous actors, because of their misconduct, cease to offer new roles, and finished work with their participation or put on the shelf, or renote again.

Perhaps you did not notice, but in recent years, many stars have become victims of this trees.

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Johnny Depp

One of the most famous artists who was exposed to Ostracism is, of course, Johnny Depp. The artist, regularly experiencing problems with a reputation, seemed to be simply unstevant, but the last scandal with his participation turned to Johnny very serious consequences.

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After in the trial with The Sun, the court fell on the side of the tabloid and admitted 12 out of 14 of its publications about home violence by Depp, with the actor immediately hurried to break relations many companies. Warner, for example, instantly reported that they no longer need the services of the actor on the shooting of "fantastic creatures", and Disney said that Johnny will no longer play in the "Pirates of the Caribbean". As for other projects, they, judging by the reaction of society, the actor is also unlikely to shine luck.

Shia LaBeouf

No less tragic was the fate and another Hollywood actor first magnitude. This collapse occurred on all fronts in the 2020th and flies of LabaFa.

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After the former accused a star in harassment and causing harm, with him immediately broke the NetFlix contract - the most popular braming service in the world. The name of the actor was removed from the titles of the film "Fragments of Women", which became the most discussed at the Venice Film Festival, and the candidacy of LabaFa turned out to be drawn out of the list of applicants for Oscar. It is easy to guess that there are no new roles for the artist in the foreseeable future.

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Kevin Spacy

Well, a feasurant of the most loud scandal of recent years, which, however, has appeared to many artificially bloated, became the legendary Kevin Spacy. The star accused of the harassment of Anthony RPP, saying that the actor, being aged 26 years, tried to enter into sexual contact with him, when he was only 14. Spaces, having learned about the accusations, immediately hurried to apologize, but at the same time stressed that Does not remember what happened. Along the way, the artist also admitted that he bisexual and now prefers relations with men.

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The audience did not appreciate the audience, considering that Caming-Out from the actor was only an attempt to distract attention from the essence of the charges. As a result, the celebrity with disgrace was kicked out of the "card house", whose star he was deprived of "Emmy", and also cut out of all the films that were preparing for rental scenes with his participation. Career owner of more than four dozen kinonagrad sharply went under the slope and recover from the 61-year-old actor who occurred, perhaps he could no longer.

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Are such measures do you think justified? Write about it in the comments.

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