Application Design: What Android is clearly superior to iOS


What is the difference between iOS and Android? This question requires much deeper understanding. On the one hand, Android still remains more open in every sense by the platform, but on the other recently, Apple does a lot so that IOS becomes, which is called, closer to the consumer. Only this year, Iphonov users opened the possibilities for customization and automation, allowing, for example, to automatically change the wallpaper and do much more from what was available on Android for many years. But the approach to designer design from Apple and Google is still different.

Application Design: What Android is clearly superior to iOS 14810_1
Android and iOS are quite similar to functionally, but the designers between them are serious abyss

What's happening? IOS users decided that they have android

Despite the fact that users have always appreciated the IOS for attention to trifles, from the point of view of the interface unity Android clearly wins. In any case, if you take stock operation as an example, and not custom manufacturers, which are often far from the reference. It is more clearly the advantage of Android over iOS noticeably on the example of full-time applications.

Android and iOS comparison

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Left - iOS, right - Android

Pay attention to how Apple and Google brand application icons are decorated. The icons are performed on the IOS of icons and do not have a single stylist, although more informative. On Android applications are withstanding in a single style and allow you to unmistakably find out the brainchild of Google. Take any application - from Google Photo to Gmail, and you can easily understand who released them.

Outside the background, is that youtube, but this is a separate case. Despite the fact that the service logo is already outdated, it is already impossible to change it. This is the same story as, say, Aeroflot. If his logo is changed to more modern, it will not be so recognizable and even the soul will disappear. But this is not the main thing.

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The main thing is that Google for some reason it turned out to draw all the applications in a single style, but Apple does not. I admit that in Cupertino did not even put such a goal in front of them. After all, what can be generally found from the "Clock" application and, for example, "cards"? Probably nothing but the form of the pictogram. Another thing is that in general the universalization - even if it is implemented to the detriment of informativeness - makes the appearance of the operating system more attractive and elegant.

How android is better iOS

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Design icons - this is what we see most of the time working with the system

However, not all Apple application icons are equally informative. Take the same iTunes or Safari. Looking at them, it is difficult to understand what they are denoted. Moreover, it will be good if the star and the compass will at least do not teck you. However, IOS users will easily understand where that, even if you remove the signatures. Here it works awareness or, if you want, the visual memory, which decides much more informativeness.

The main thing is to create such a logo so that it is clearly crashed into memory and did not cause other associations. In this sense, Google should work on some applications. For example, Google Chat, Snapseed and Tasks look frankly so-so and not only leave a single opinion about their purpose, but not even remembered. Nevertheless, there are practically no complaints to the main programs of the search giant.

Where iOS turned not there, and Android went to the right way

The single execution of applications, in my opinion, clearly plays the operating system on the hand, given that from the point of view of functionality and the load that platforms, and iOS, and Android are practically the same. The difference between them is only in trifles. But it is their such little things and is a common attitude to the product. Therefore, personally, I definitely give preference to the execution of Google, and I sincerely want to adopt the competitor's approach.

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