Back to the Future. Is the translation of time can affect the health of people and nadoys of animals?


On February 16, the initiative group of Lubyagino made a proposal to translate time in the Kirov region for an hour. The survey was held in the Lubyagino-News group and ended on February 28. Of the 16 thousand participants, 62% spoke for the transition, almost 38% against. One of the arguments for was an increase in the yield in the field of animal husbandry. Prikolovsky talked with astronomer, bases and zootechnics and found out how to make the translation of the shooter on the health of people and whether it would really help the agrarians to increase the nadoys.


"Now the time is more correct."

As explained the Creator of the Public Astronomy in Kirov, Alexey Sykchin, explained, it is necessary to distinguish between astronomical time and administrative. Astronomical - It is solar - correlates with a true half-day when the sun is at the highest point of the trajectory of his movement. This value may vary, so during the year in the Kirov region the sun passes through the culmination point from 11:35 to 11:55. Administrative - official - noon comes exactly at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, so it may not coincide with the sunny.

- Astronomically time is more correct. If we lived in the time zone Moscow +1 or +2 hours, then the astronomical afternoon would come in 13-14 hours, "Sykchin explained Alexey. - People want to translate time to increase the duration of the day day in the evening. From the point of view of astronomy, this makes no sense. We just have such a terrain in which the duration of the daylight varies sharply from the time of year.

The more light, the better health

The main argument of supporters of translating the time is that the increase in the daylight will positively affect the well-being of the inhabitants. Dawn in the summer at 2-3 am, and the sunset comes around 21 hours. Therefore, the light day is not rational now: people sleep when the sun has already risen, and awake in the dark a few more hours before sleep.

The dynamologist of the Medical Center "Prevey" Andrei Zemtsov confirms that the length of the daylight directly affects human health. During the night's sleep, a person produces a hormone melatonin, which is responsible for the restoration of the body. Sleep hormone is produced at night - from midnight to 4 am - in the absence of bright light.

- an increase in the length of the light day and non-compliance with sleep hygiene and bedrooms is the lack of dark curtains, violation of the removal of waste to sleep - can cause circadian sleep disorders (violation of the regularity of sleep and waking - approx. Ed.). A person can not sleep when necessary, therefore insomnia arises or excessive daylight, "Andrei Zemtsov notes. - People are daily creatures, and the more active time they will spend the day in the bright time of the day, the better it will affect health.

Back to the Future. Is the translation of time can affect the health of people and nadoys of animals? 14782_1
Back to the Future. Is the translation of time can affect the health of people and nadoys of animals?

A dynamologist, a member of the Russian society of Somnologists Valentina Syshin notes that the formation of melatonin is influenced by a hormone serotonin, which is produced during bright light. If a person spent little time in the sun, then serotonin is less generated, which is disturbed by the production of melatonin. The disadvantage of this hormone leads to a bad sleep and a long population.

- Lack of ultraviolet rays also affects human health: the health and resistance of the body to infections is reduced, mineral exchange is disturbed. In winter, due to the lack of the Sun in the northern latitudes, people are more often ill with influenza, dermatitis, rheumatism, rickets and other diseases, "Valentina Syshin said.

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Back to the Future. Is the translation of time can affect the health of people and nadoys of animals?

Animal is all equal

Another argument in favor of translation of the clock was an increase in the boring and production. As the main veterinary doctor, CJSC, the Oktyabrsky Mary of Bratukhin and the Zootachnik-breeding officer of SPKA "Iskra" Olga Musikhina, explained, the offset of time for the hour will not affect the productivity of livestock.

- On animals, the addition of an hour will definitely not affect. But it will affect people who are forced to get up at 4 am and go to the boobs. Now we have a practically closed cycle and animals do not drive into pastures, as before. And with people at this time it is harder to work, as they do not have time to do at home: they get up when the sun is already shining with might and main, but Returns in the dark, "Olga Musikhina told.


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