Smart cameras will follow Russian schoolchildren


    The security problem is one of the most sharp in modern reality. Neither adults nor children are protected from sudden PE. To prevent the emergence of trouble, the Russian schools are equipped with cameras with the function of face recognition. Smart devices will help ensure safety, trace the time of arrival and departure of the student.

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    Digital equipment will be installed in schools of the Russian Federation

    The duties of the Customer perform regional departments of education, the contractor appointed NCI. National Center for Informatization is an enterprise included in the Rostex Group.

    Video surveillance systems with an option to recognize persons decided immediately in all schools of the Russian Federation. The task is complex, requiring a comprehensive solution. The contractor offers the delivery of "smart" equipment, which includes:

    1. Video surveillance systems. Devices are used to ensure the safety of persons in the building. Cameras are intended to install in the halls, on the stairs and in the corridors.
    2. Outdoor video surveillance devices. These cameras will transmit an image from the outside of schools, helping to track the movement of persons around the perimeter adjacent territory.

    The NCI is responsible for the supply of equipment in the complex, and the development of the system is the result of the joint activities of the group of scientists of Elvis Negotov.

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    The option of tracking inside and outside provides additional safety.

    The placement of smart cameras with the option of recognition of persons is part of the national program "Digital Economics".

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    The project involves installing cameras in all regions of the country

    System equipment has a number of valuable features:

    1. Recognize the faces of people inside the structure and beyond. This allows you to ensure the safety of children, teachers.
    2. Quickly define faces in the video stream, reconcile with the installed lists. When foreign detection, the program submits the corresponding signal.

    Subsequently, the program can be supplemented, for example, to charge the working time, integrate with a digital diary. This will avoid spending time on roll call, to promptly notify the parents about whether children were in school or absent.

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    Perimeter safety - Pledge of the health of children and tranquility of parents

    According to the representative of the NCI, the program is complex, requires timely service, integrating various systems. Promotion of the ORWELL platform will allow security at the highest level. In addition, the developers have provided the opportunity to use cameras when moving students to self-insulation.

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    The tracking system can be complemented by other functions.

    Message Smart cameras will follow Russian schoolchildren appeared first on information technology.

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