Christmas: Believers, Signs, Bans and Rituals

Christmas: Believers, Signs, Bans and Rituals 14754_1
Christmas: Believers, Signs, Bans and Rituals Angelique

Christmas is a holiday of joy and magic. Not many people who believe in signs, beliefs and so on. But we still learned from the astrologer and a psychologist about what it is possible and that it is impossible to do for Christmas.

Christmas. Believers, signs, prohibitions and rituals Angelique

Believers about christmas

This holiday was always family. And the fact that some celebrate him in a circle of friends, a new trend. Previously, this is not allowed. Therefore, all beliefs are associated with family and native.

The evening before Christmas is called Christmas Eve. And this evening, the souls of our relatives descend from heaven to see those who were left on earth. " Therefore, the ancestors first blew on the table so that it was not to sit on the soul to the lacquer. This mysteriously and slightly sounds scary, but it believed the ancestors.

Christmas. Believers, signs, prohibitions and rituals Angelique

But not only the souls need to be careful. It is very important to provide a warm welcome and to guests who really come for Christmas and the next day. But there is a condition, those who do not like or somehow be bad to you feel, it is better not to invite to the holiday at all.

And here is the first sign. In the houses are waiting for January 7 in the morning of the one who first goes to the house. If a man, then wait for good luck and joy all year, and if the woman is, the opposite is. We do not understand why the woman brings a misfortune, but it happened.

Signs for Christmas

Christmas. Believers, signs, prohibitions and rituals Angelique

You already know the first to accept, now let's go to others. The ancestors believed that the clothes were also symbolic. Therefore, they sat down at the table only in bright. If the clothes are dark, then in the family there will be a grief.

The clothes must be new. Old clothes will attract poverty in the new year.

Among the most important week was the weather. If others covered trees and chalk blizzard, then the year will be a yield. If it was snow, the spring will come early. And if it was clearly visible to the stars, there will be a particularly good crop of buckwheat and pea.

That in Christmas can not do

Like any holiday, this has many prohibitions.

You can't sew for many holidays, but such big is just a taboo. If you neglect by this rule, then someone can go blind in the family. And if you do knitting, then the child in the family or relatives can get confused in the cord upon birth.

Christmas. Believers, signs, prohibitions and rituals Angelique

It is all possible unreliable, but since our ancestors believed in it, it may not be worth a fate. We understand that I used to believe that the land is flat, but still.

For many holidays, it is customary to guess fate. But for Christmas it is forbidden to guess and ask for the highest forces of help in this. For gadas there will be a shnik (from January 8 and already before baptism).

What rituals can be carried out

Starting from January 7, within 40 days, you can make wishes in the morning daily. It is customary to believe that at this time the angels help people, which means everything turns out and comes true.

Christmas. Believers, signs, prohibitions and rituals Angelique

And at 3 o'clock in the morning, from January 6 to January 7, the gates of heaven open and you can go outside and ask for the fulfillment of your dreams. It is necessary to wish well that your desire does not hurt others.

These are such interesting facts we learned about Christmas and shared with you. We hope that you liked it!

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