What errors can not be allowed when growing tomatoes


    Good afternoon, my reader. The cultivation of tomatoes is a very troublesome occupation. They require constant and thorough care.

    What errors can not be allowed when growing tomatoes 14747_1
    What errors can not be allowed when growing tomatoes Maria Verbilkova

    All gardeners comply with some rules indicating what should not be done when growing tomatoes:

    1. The soil for tomatoes should not be very fat. Excess the organications in the ground bring only harm to plantations. It is not recommended in the period of planting seedlings to make a humid or peat into the prepared deepening, as well as compost. A large volume of nutritional fertilizers causes a strengthened growth of foliage to the detriment of the appearance of uncertains. On such plants, the yield of tomatoes will be small, and the fruits themselves are as small. In addition, unnecessary organic fertilizers help in the development of phytoophulas.
    2. The composition, which is based on cow manure, should be used when feeding no more than 2-3 times per season. Surplus nutrients acts on the plant worse than their disadvantage.
    3. Tomatoam harm not only extra organic substances, but also urea. You should not add a substance in the fossa during the planning of seedlings. It is also not recommended to conduct urea feeding during growth. You can use this solution: 10 liters of water / 15 ml of substance. Spray the cooked bushes, but not too abundantly. Processing should be carried out during the growth of bushes, about 3-5 June.

    When planting tomatoes, it is preferable to fill fresh grass. In the period of overloading, it feeds the roots of the culture with useful trace elements. You can make a mulching with a layer on top of the soil using a layer on top of 10 cm. During the rest, the plant will not need an additional watering, as the mulch will protect the ground from drying out.

    What errors can not be allowed when growing tomatoes 14747_2
    What errors can not be allowed when growing tomatoes Maria Verbilkova

    Instead of grass in the ground, you can make wood ashes. Then during the watering time 1 time during the month, it is possible to sprinkle under each bush about the handful of the ash powder.

    Gardeners are advised to feed twice for the season: in the last days of May and in early July.

    First feeding. For the preparation of the solution, use: liquid (20 l), complex drug (2-3 tablets), fresh boron (1 l), boric acid (1 tsp.) And nitroposk (2 art. L.). Stir and paint the bushes in the volume of 1 liter on the bush.

    The second feeding consists of 20 liters of water, 1 liter of manure, 2-tablespoons of potassium sulfate and 2-3 tablets of a complex drug. Pour in the same proportion.

    The first feeding is supplied with a plant with phosphorus and potassium. It helps tomato bushes faster growing and forming flowers. The second (potash) allows you to increase the amount of healthy barring, and also helps in the growth and maturation of tomatoes.

    With an excess of moisture in the ground, the rapid development of stems and foliage occurs, and the maturation of tomatoes is suspended. Tomatoes are pretended simultaneously on the skinny ground.

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