VTB loan portfolio in the Kaluga region exceeded 21 billion rubles

VTB loan portfolio in the Kaluga region exceeded 21 billion rubles 14736_1

VTB Bank in the Kaluga region at the end of 2020 increased the loan portfolio of individuals and legal entities by 16%, to 21.1 billion rubles. The aggregate portfolio of attracted funds increased by 7% and on January 1 amounted to 22.2 billion rubles.

In the direction of credit, the greatest increase is noted in the segment of large business. At the end of the year, the loan portfolio in this area increased by 65%, to 2.4 billion rubles. The volume of lending to small and medium-sized businesses on January 1 amounted to 1.4 billion rubles.

In 2020, Kaluga VTB continued to actively participate in the implementation of government programs. The medium and small business loan portfolio under Program 1764 on January 1, 2021 amounted to 322 million rubles. In the framework of the state programs of employment support during the coronavirus pandemic period, the loan portfolio reached 197 million rubles.

The portfolio of attracted funds of corporate clients at the beginning of the year was recorded at 6.7 billion, of which most of which are 5.6 billion funds of small and medium-sized businesses of the region (+ 9% per year).

Retail loan portfolio in 2020 increased by 15%, to 17.3 billion rubles. The mortgage portfolio reached 9.9 billion rubles, an increase of 12 months by 20%. Cash loans increased by 10%, up to 6.2 billion rubles. In just a year, VTB provided 7.7 thousand loans in the region in the amount of 7.8 billion rubles (+ 14% to the same indicator for 2019). Bank approved more than 2 thousand loans by 4.3 billion rubles for the purchase of housing. Cash loans amount amounted to 3 billion rubles, car loans - 470 million rubles.

The portfolio of attracted funds of individuals as of January 1 increased by 15%, to 15.5 billion rubles. In the direction of the investment enterprises, two-time growth was recorded, up to 3.4 billion rubles.

Managing VTB in the Kaluga region Angelica Romanyuk noted:

"Within 2020, we provided comprehensive financial support and local enterprises, and the population of the region, provided the necessary products and services, including within the framework of preferential gentlemen, and by the end of the year there were recovery of consumer activity. So, in the retail segment for the year we increased the volume of mortgage issuing in the region. In the current year, keep a course for further business digitalization and the introduction of new, current financial products for all segments. "

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