Sentenced in the case of injury to the tractor driver who fell during roofing works


Kuznetsk, March 3 - PenzaNews. The 52-year-old head of a separate division of a commercial company, who ordered the performance of roofing works at the production site in Kuznetsk district of the Penza region, a tractorist, which as a result fell from height and was injured, recognized by the court guilty of committing a crime provided for in Part 1 of Art. 216 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Violation of the Security Rules for Construction or other works." This is "PenzaNews" reported in the press service of the Regional Investigation Department of the TCR.

Sentenced in the case of injury to the tractor driver who fell during roofing works 14734_1

The 52-year-old head of a separate division of a commercial company, who ordered the performance of roofing works at the production site in Kuznetsk district of the Penza region, a tractorist, which as a result fell from height and was injured, recognized by the court guilty of committing a crime provided for in Part 1 of Art. 216 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Violation of the Security Rules for Construction or other works." This is "PenzaNews" reported in the press service of the Regional Investigation Department of the TCR.

"The investigation and the court found that in October 2020, the head of a separate division of one of the societies of a limited liability, while in the territory of the production site in the village of Kuznetsky district, gave an oral instruction of the tractorist of this organization to perform roofing work at a height of at least 4.2 meters On the roof of the one-story building of the repair workshop, "they said in the department.

The press service added that the tractor driver did not pass in the prescribed manner instruction, training in safe ways and methods at height, internship and testing of knowledge, labor protection claims, was not provided with special clothing and other personal protective equipment.

"Due to the violations, as well as the lack of control over the conduct of roofing work, the victim of 1981 born in addition, under its weight, the roof of the duplex of the workshop fell from height, having received a cathatmus, regarding the grave harm to health," explained in the management.

The department clarified that the court sentenced the head of a separate division was prescribed a penalty of a fine of 40 thousand rubles.

"The sentence did not enter into legal force," said SU TCR.

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