DASH cryptocurrency will be removed from the Bittrex exchange. Project developers are trying to defend


The DASH cryptocurrency team was at the crossroads due to the dilemma caused by the discusing coins with the BitTrex trading platform. Recall, last week, the stock exchange announced the end of the trading XRP against the background of the friction of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with Ripple. Immediately after that, BitTrex representatives also decided to get rid of anonymous cryptocurrency. However, Dash developers with such a statement disagree: the project team stated that the coin is not anonymous and in this matter almost no different from the same bitcoin.

Note that the key representatives of the niche of private cryptocurrency are Monero and Zcash. At the same time in November last year, with the help of XMR, it was 118 times more anonymous transactions in comparison with ZCASH. These are such transactions in which the sender, the recipient and the amount of translation are hidden.

Here is a graph for clarity.

DASH cryptocurrency will be removed from the Bittrex exchange. Project developers are trying to defend 1473_1
The number of anonymous transactions in Monero and Zcash

What happens to cryptocompany DASH?

Delivery with BitTrex noticeably influenced Altkina. Only over the past two weeks, its value as much as a minimum of 15 percent.

DASH cryptocurrency will be removed from the Bittrex exchange. Project developers are trying to defend 1473_2
Fall DASH over the past two weeks

Today, cryptocurrency is traded at 88 dollars. For the year of cryptocurrency, 92% growth demonstrated, while the trading volume of coins per day is equivalent to $ 521 million during capitalization of 882 million.

Dash bidding on BitTrex is still continuing, and the delisive itself is scheduled for January 15th. In addition to Dash, MONERO and ZCASH will disappear from the trading platform.

DASH cryptocurrency will be removed from the Bittrex exchange. Project developers are trying to defend 1473_3
Message about Delivery Coin with BitTrex

Representatives of the DASH team said on Twitter, which was already contacted Bittrex and are trying to resolve the problem. Here is the replica of developers that cointelegraph leads.

That is, in this case, they directly indicate that cryptocurrency is not a project that is focused on privacy and anonymity. In fact, they refuse their own positioning - although old - and indicate the equality of the possibilities of Dash with Bitcoin, to escape from possible problems.

DASH cryptocurrency will be removed from the Bittrex exchange. Project developers are trying to defend 1473_4

On the topic: Why are cryptocurrency focused on privacy until now have become popular?

However, this positioning is not so clean. In particular, archival pictures from the Dash Foundation website from 2017 advertise Dash as "the world's first cryptocurrency-oriented oriented, that is, a similar reputation took off at exactly. Now on the Dash Foundation website, it is indicated that Dash is a "leading payment cryptocuroy."

In his recent tween about Delisting CEO Dashpay Ryan Taylor also reduced the privacy functions of cryptocurrency. Here is his quote.

Accordingly, here he also used the reputation of other players in the market to reduce the image of the blockchain project.

DASH cryptocurrency will be removed from the Bittrex exchange. Project developers are trying to defend 1473_5
Bitcoin and Monero.

Although the apparent turn of the events caused ridicule and criticism on Twitter, supporters noted that in August Dash published a guide to the functions of confidentiality of cryptocurrency. The blog on the official website of Dash Taylor wrote that "regulators are concerned that the exchanges may not be able to follow the KYC / AML rules for transactions of coins with confidentiality functions," because Dash "is often found in the lists of coins with improved privacy" .

We believe that save Dash from delisting is hardly possible. All the same leadership of the Exchange took an appropriate decision, which means that there was an analysis of the features of cryptocurrency projects. Accordingly, one renunciation of the title of anonymous coin will be little.

Therefore, the owners of the DASH coins need to make a choice: keep them further or get rid of. With regard to what is happening with Ripple and cryptocurrencies of the company XRP, the likelihood of the intervention of governments or various departments to the life of blockchain projects is still there.

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