Historical drama Andrei Konchalovsky "Dear comrades!" Show in Okko.

Historical drama Andrei Konchalovsky
Historical drama Andrei Konchalovsky "Dear comrades!" Show in Okko PRSPB

The OKKO multimedia service provides its users with the opportunity as part of the subscription to see the historical drama of Andrei Konchalovsky "Dear Comrades!".

The picture applying for the award of the American Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Oscar Sciences from Russia is available in Full HD format without additional fees in "Optimum" and Premium subscriptions for all registered users in iOS applications, Android, Smart TV, on OKKO Smartbox, Sberbox and on OKKO.TV website from January 14.

Dear comrades! PRSPB.

The final producer of the film was the founder of the Charitable Foundation "Art, Science and Sport" Alisher Usmanov. This is the third joint picture of the famous philantte and film director. Cooperation A. B. Usmanova and A.S. Konchalovsky began in 2016, when Alisher Usmanov spoke as an associative producer of the artistic film "Paradise" about World War II, who brought Konchalovsky Silver Leo on the 73rd Venice Film Festival. The next joint project was the picture of "sin" about the tests on the creative path of the brilliant artist and the sculptor of the Renaissance of Michelangelo Buonarot. The film saw the light in 2019.


1962, in the Soviet Novocherkassk - a strike at the main city factory, people demand a decline in prices for products and raising wages. When workers of other enterprises join the strike, the government commission decides to enter the army to the city, and through a few hours on the streets they sound the shots in combat cartridges. The protagonist of the film is a female partner of Lyudmila (Julia Vysotskaya), which sincerely believes that it is building a communist society and is indignant by the behavior of the factory confusion. But when her daughter-teenager disappears in the Square on Square, the slim picture of the world of convinced communism collapses overnight.

Historical drama Andrei Konchalovsky
Historical drama Andrei Konchalovsky "Dear comrades!" Show in Okko PRSPB
Historical drama Andrei Konchalovsky
Historical drama Andrei Konchalovsky "Dear comrades!" Show in Okko PRSPB
Historical drama Andrei Konchalovsky
Historical drama Andrei Konchalovsky "Dear comrades!" Show in Okko PRSPB
Historical drama Andrei Konchalovsky
Dear comrades! PRSPB.

While working on the scenario, Andrei Konchalovsky thought about how to achieve a special sense of the reliability of the film's perception. The director tried as close as possible to the image of the Soviet films of that period, so from the very beginning it was decided that the image of the picture would be black and white, and the frame format will correspond to the image of the films of that time - Format 1.33

About the film

Andrei Konchalovsky, director and written script of the film "Dear Comrades!": "Creating films about the sixties of the twentieth century becomes more and more restoration of historical reliability, which in itself is quite difficult. Recently, we see a lot of films in which 60-70-80. The twentieth century looks fake, contrived, no one corresponding to the Soviet films, shot at the time, "fly cranes" or "Ballada about a soldier." Therefore, my task was enough scrupulously, to restore the era of the USSR of the sixties. It seems to me that the Soviet people of the post-war time, which fought before the victory in the Great Patriotic War, passed the Stalinist time, deserve a feature film, in which the tribute to their purity and certain tragicity would be given in awareness of the incompatibility of the ideals of communism and the surrounding reality. "

Historical drama Andrei Konchalovsky
Historical drama Andrei Konchalovsky "Dear comrades!" Show in Okko PRSPB
Historical drama Andrei Konchalovsky
Dear comrades! PRSPB.
Historical drama Andrei Konchalovsky
Historical drama Andrei Konchalovsky "Dear comrades!" Show in Okko PRSPB
Historical drama Andrei Konchalovsky
Historical drama Andrei Konchalovsky "Dear comrades!" Show in Okko PRSPB

From the very beginning of work on the project, Andrei Konchalovsky did not fundamentally, did not consider the main roles of famous Russian actors, as it would violate the main idea of ​​the film - recreation of the historical reliability of the Soviet era of 1960. According to the director, it was possible only under the condition that the persons of the actors will not be associated with the audience with major modern media projects. Andrei Konchalovsky wanted to shoot little-known actors, which became a difficult task for the Casting Group. Despite the orientation of the casting on non-professional artists, the actress Julia Vysotskaya was fulfilled the main role in the film.

Historical drama Andrei Konchalovsky "Dear comrades!" Show in Okko PRSPB

Julia Vysotskaya, the leading role in the film "Dear Comrades!": "I was not difficult for me to work with non-professional actors. I have time and forever held a very good school in the film "House of Fools", in which not just non-professional artists starred, and more people with disabilities, people who have serious diagnoses: pathological, mental, neurological. When you have to go to the frame with these people, spending two months before shooting, it lays another degree of freedom and responsibility in you. "

Film "Dear comrades!" Removed with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Charitable Foundation "Art, Science and Sport", as well as the TV channel "Russia 1".

"Dear comrades!"
  • Director: Andrei Konchalovsky
  • Scenario Authors: Elena Kiseleva, Andrei Konchalovsky
  • Operator: Andrey found
  • General Producer: Alisher Usmanov
  • Producer: Andrei Konchalovsky
  • Cast: Julia Vysotskaya, Julia Burova, Andrei Gusev, Sergey Erlish, Vladislav Komarov, Dmitry Kostyaev, Ivan Martynov,
  • Vyacheslav Piharev, Anatoly Petrunin, Artem Krysin and others
  • Timber: 116 min
  • Genre: historical drama
  • Age limit: 16+


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